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16 March 2025
HomePolitics"Government promises not fulfilled," claims Safata No.1 representative

“Government promises not fulfilled,” claims Safata No.1 representative

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In the first official session of the 2024 Parliament, which was held on Tuesday, Safata No.1 Electoral District Representative Leaana Ronie Poisini expressed concerns about the Government led by the Faith in the One True God of Samoa.

“It is observed that this term is coming to an end. But the promises made by the government in 2021 have not been fulfilled.

“Where are the police officers who were promised to be brought from overseas to investigate other judicial matters? Where is the X-ray and sniffer dogs for monitoring the potential entry of illegal drugs through the airport and seaports?

“It was also promised that the selection of people for temporary employment would be given to districts. That has not happened.”

Samoa Ports Authority Minister Olo Fiti Vaai responded clearly, “The X-ray for the international port for travel to Tutuila will arrive in either May or June this year.

“We are also waiting for the arrival of the large sniffer dogs that have been arranged, followed by the order.”

Faith in the One True God of Samoa Party Leader Laaulialemaitoe Leuatea Polataivao Fosi Schmidt, in his rebuttal, expressed that the country has witnessed the fruitful efforts of the Government.

Furthermore, priority is given to policies that correct the course of development for a prosperous future, followed by the effective implementation of the Government’s strategic plans for the development of Samoa.

Samoan Translation

“E lei tino mai folafolaga a le Faigamalo,” Sui o Safata Numera 1

I le ulua’i fono usu a le Palemene 2024 lea na faia i le Aso Lua, na faaleo ai atugaluga o le Sui a Faipule o le itumalo faapalota o Safata No.1 ia Leaana Ronie Poisini, i le Faigamalo a le Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi.

“E maitau atu o lea o le a uma lenei paeaiga. Ae e lei taunuu a folafolaga a le faigamalo lea na folafola mai i le 2021.

“O fea ua fai iai leoleo lea na folafola o le a amai mai fafo e faia suesuega o isi mataupu a le Faamasinoga? O fea le faata (x-ray) ma taifau sosogi mo le mataituina o le ono ofi mai o fualaau faasaina e ui mai i le malaevaalele ma uafu?

“Lea foi na folafola o le a tuu i itumalo le filifiliga o tagata mo galuega faavaitaimi. E leo tupu lena mea.”

Na tali manino le Minisita o le Pulega o Uafu a Samoa ia Olo Fiti Vaai,

“A le’o Me o Iuni o le tausaga nei e taunuu mai ai le tatou faata mo le uafu faavaomalo mo faigamalaga i Tutuila.

“O lea foi e faatali seia lapopo’a taifau sosogi ua uma ona faatulaga e aumai, ona amai lea o le oka.”

O le tali fuaitau a le Taitai Fono a le Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi ia Laaulialemaitoe Leuatea Polataivao Fosi Schmidt, na ia faaalia ai ua molimauina e le atunuu fua o galuega lelei oloo taumafai ai le Malo.

E le gata i lea, oloo ave le faamuamua i faiga faavae e faasa’osa’o ai le taatiaga o alafua mo le lumanai manuia, ona galoso lelei ai lea o fuafuaga faataatitia a le Faigamalo, i ana atinae mo Samoa.

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