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16 March 2025
HomeEducationThe University of the South Pacific recognises all students

The University of the South Pacific recognises all students

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The administration of the University of the South Pacific highly values the equal opportunity afforded to students from various colleges to enter its main campus and learn new skills at an advanced level. This commitment to inclusivity was highlighted by Zu Chi Samuelu, the director of student services at the main campus, who outlined the university’s efforts at Alafua for students who have passed the government’s Year 13 exams but did not achieve the marks required for direct entry into the foundation year.

“If your score is 150, we offer a ‘Preliminary program’, which allows you to retake the papers you didn’t pass in Year 13. This serves as a stepping stone, and if you pass, you then get the opportunity to take the foundation year papers. Additionally, you can retake the papers you failed and also take foundation year papers, as the university recognises that you might have the potential but perhaps there were reasons, such as illness or similar circumstances, that prevented you from passing some subjects at the University Prep Year,” explained Samuelu.

It is commonly understood that a score of 200 or above, derived from English and three other advanced subjects, is usually required. Samuelu emphasised the need to ensure that students do not give up just because they did not achieve these scores.

Samoan Translation

E amanaia e le Iunivesite a le Pasefika fanau aoga uma

E matua’i amanaia e le Pulega o le Iunivesite a le Pasefika i Saute le avanoa tutusa e maua ai e fanau aoga mai kolisi eseese, le avanoa e ulufale ai i le Laumua, ma aoaoina tomai fou i se tulaga maualuga.

O le na lagona o le amanaia, na atagia ina ua faapupula e le faatonu o auaunga mo fanau aoga a le laumua ia Zu Chi Samuelu auala ua faia e le Iunivesite i Alafua, mo nai fanau ua maua iuga o suega a le malo mo tausaga 13, ae e leo ausia togi e tatau ai ona ulufale I le tausaga faavae.

“Afai e 150 ou togi, oloo iai la matou polokalame ua faaigoaina o le ‘Preliminary program’, e mafai ai ona toe ave lau pepa e lei pasi i le tausaga 13, ina ia avea o se auala laupapa, a pasi, ona maua lea o le avanoa e ave ai pepa o le tausaga faavae.

“E mafai foi ona ave pepa e lei pasi ma pepa a le tausaga faavae, pe a autilotilo atu le Iunivesite, e tele le agavaa oloo ia te oe ae leiloa pe iai ni mafuaaga ua le pasi ai leisi au mataupu i le kolisi faataitaiga na e ma’i ma tulaga faapena.”

E pei ona silafia, e tatau ona 200 agai i luga togi, e maua lea i le tuufaatasiga o togi o le igilisi ma isi mataupu maualuluga e tolu.

O le finagalo ina ia aua nei muta le ola finau o fanau ona o le le ausia o ia togi, lea na saunoa ai Suchi Samuelu.

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