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23 February 2025
HomeNewsSamoaThe Samoa Weightlifting Federation pays school fees for 13 youth

The Samoa Weightlifting Federation pays school fees for 13 youth

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“If we are serious about developing our young people’s talent, spending money for them should not be a problem.”

This was the response from the Head Coach of the Samoa Weightlifting Federation, Tuaopepe Jerry Wallwork, when asked about the students selected from schools across Upolu for the a college tournament.

It is confirmed that thirty-three students have been selected, currently camping at the weightlifting gym, gearing up for the anticipated clash against New Zealand, participating in the weightlifting school tournaments with New Zealand and Australia.

This will mark Samoa’s first participation in such tournaments.

While the youth are camping and preparing, their school fees have been paid, and school fares to and from school, along with food and other miscellaneous expenses. There are also teachers to help the youth.

The young students are leaving for the tournament in April, and it will last two days.

“The plan is while the seasoned players start to retire, there are future talents to continue the sports.”

Even though the weightlifting association is busy with international tournaments this year, including the Olympic Games, it still prioritises school weightlifting competitions within the country.

Story in Samoan

Totogi e le Asosi Si’isi’i Uamea Mamafa pili aoga o fanau e toa 13

“A moni le naunau e fa’aolaola le tāleni a fanau, e le’o se fa’afitauli le fa’aaluina iai o seleni.”

O le tali mai lea a le Susuga i le Faiaoga ulu a le Ausi’isi’i U’amea Mamafa a Samoa, ia Tuaopepe Jerry Wallwork ina ua fesiligia i fanau aoga na filifilia mai i le ta’amilosaga a kolisi i nei i Upolu.

O lea ua mautinoa, e to’a sefulutolu fānau a’oga na filifilia, olo’o tolauapi nei i le falesi’isi’i mo toleniga, e sauni ai mo le vala’aulia mai Niu Sila, e auai ai i le tauvaga si’isi’i u’amea mamafa a fanau a’oga a Niu Sila ma Ausetalia.

O le taimi muamua lea ua maua ai e Samoa se vala’aulia fa’apea.

A’o tolauapi ai la fanau nei, ua maea totogi e le Asosi o latou piliaoga, o pasese e agai ai i aoga ma toe foi ane, atoa ai foi ma le tausiga i taumafa ma isi. Ua iai foi faiaoga fesoasoani e va’aia fanau nei.

O le masina o Aperila o le a tuua ai e fanau nei le atunu’u, ma e lua aso o le fa’amoemoe.

“O le naunautaiga, a uma atu le vaega matutua oloo tauavea le fu’a a le atunu’u i le siisii i le nei vaitau, ae oloo fa’asolo mai fānau nei e fa’aauau le taleni.”

E ui i le pisi o le Asosi i tauvaga tetele fa’avaomalo i le tausaga nei e aofia ai ma taalogao le Olimipeka, e le’o fa’atumutumulima ai i le fa’agasoloina o tauvaga e ātina’e ai le tāleni si’isi’i u’amea mamafa i totonu o aoga i le atunu’u.

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