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23 February 2025
HomeBusiness$10.0 million allocated by the Government for the construction of a new...

$10.0 million allocated by the Government for the construction of a new Savalalo market

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In addition to the $20.0 million Samoan tala provided by New Zealand for the construction of the new market in Savalalo, the Prime Minister mentioned the millions the Samoa government will pour into the project as well.

After it was estimated at SAT$10.0 million the costs of the government according to the Eleele Association of Samoa for this wish,” Fiame Naomi Mataafa.

On Tuesday morning of this week, the groundbreaking ceremony took place to mark the commencement of construction, which will see the establishment of the new market in the area where the old market in Savalalo once stood, which was destroyed in 2016.

The Prime Minister also clarified the progress of the work, along with the company undertaking it.

The total cost of the project amounts to approximately $24.9 million tala, and the Zheng Construction Company Limited has been awarded the government tender.

“Tinai Gordon & Associates (Project Manager) will be involved in overseeing the quality of this work, and Mr. Leiataua Tom Tinai, the company’s representative, along with Ms. Anne Milbank, will collaborate to ensure the successful execution and completion of this project and handed over for its use.”

For the next 18 months, the work will be ongoing, and Fiame expressed gratitude to the Government of New Zealand and other partners for their support.

The purpose of this project is to make things easier and more affordable for our people.

The location is central to the town, where everything and everyone converge, whether heading east or west of Apia; this is the place where all paths lead.

Samoan version

$10.0 miliona ua faaalu e le Malo e fausia ai le maketi fou i Savalalo

E ese mai i le $20.0 miliona tala Samoa ua foai mai e Niu Sila mo le fausia o le maketi fou i Savalalo, ua faailoa e le Palemia o Samoa, e faitau miliona foi ua sasa’a atu e le tatou Malo mo lea lava galuega.

“E ao ona silafia e SAT$10.0 miliona tala le sao o le tatou Malo e tauala mai ile Fa’alapotopotoga o Eleele o Samoa mo lenei fa’amoemoe,” Fiame Naomi Mata’afa.

O le taeao o le Aso Lua o le vaiaso nei, na faatoa faia ai le sauniga faapitoa e aloaia ai le fa’apaiaina o le eleele, e faatuina ai le Maketi fou i le nofoaga na iai le maketi tuai i Savalalo, lea na mu i le 2016.

Na saunoa foi le Palemia e fa’amanino le tau o le galuega, ma le kamupani o le a fa’atinoina.

“O le tau aofa’i o le galuega e tusa ma le $24.9 miliona tala ma ua manumalo ai le Kamupani ale Zheng Construction Company Limited i le maea ai o le tauofoga ale Malo (Tenders Board procurement).

“O le Kamupani a Tinai Gordon & Associates (Project Manager) o le a gafa ma le mata’ituina lelei o lenei galuega ma o le Susuga ia Leiataua Tom Tinai o le sui o le Kamupani ma le susuga Anne Milbank o i laua ia e gafa ma le vaaia lelei o ata ma le fa’atinoga o lenei galuega se ia mae’a lelei lenei galuega ma tuuina mai mo lona fa’aogaina.”

E 18 masina o le a fa’atamoe ai le galuega, ma na fa’afetaia e Fiame le Malo o Niu Sila ma isi pa’aga oloo togima’a i lona fa’atinoina.

O le atoaga lea o le manulauti, ia ‘FA’AFAIGOFIE’ ma ‘TAUGOFIE’ mo le mamalu o si o tatou atunuu.

O le nofoaga lenei o le ogatotonugalemu o le taulaga poo fea lava e feafioa’i ai le tatou atunu’u pe aga’i i Sasa’e pe aga’i i Sisifo i Apia nei, o le nofoaga lava lenei e aga’i uma mai iai.

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