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1 April 2025
HomeInternational RelationsSamoa Parliament house approved as CHOGM 2024 main meeting site

Samoa Parliament house approved as CHOGM 2024 main meeting site

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The Honourable Prime Minister Fiamē Naomi Matā’afa announced in June at a Parliament meeting that the Cabinet has approved the use of the Parliament House of Samoa in Mulinuu for the main meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (C.H.O.G.M) in October 2024.

The Prime Minister clarified that the government’s preparations for this major event are progressing well, marking the first time a Pacific island nation will host these meetings of Commonwealth leaders.

There will be four other smaller meetings during this time: the Women’s Forum, Youth Forum, People’s Forum, and Business Forum.

These different forums will be held at various locations, such as the Tanoa Hotel in Sogi, the Ministry of Women, Community, and Social Development Hall, the TATTE Conference Room, and other government venues.

Other preparations include ensuring the security of the country during the meeting, working with international partners and security specialists.

For two weeks, the international port of Samoa in Matautu will be closed to accommodate a large ship for delegates.

Business operators are also preparing to provide necessary services, ensuring an economic boost for Samoa.

Fifty-six countries from Africa, the Caribbean, the Americas, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific will participate.

The main goal of the meeting is to strengthen joint agreements, explore new opportunities, and discuss solutions to current challenges affecting the future of all countries, such as climate change, trade, and security.

Since the meetings’ inception in 1971, they have been held biennially in rotation among the Commonwealth member countries.

The last country to host this meeting was Rwanda in East Africa.

Tala na tusia i le gagana Samoa

Pāsia le Maota o le Palemene e fai ai le fono ‘autū o le C.H.O.G.M

Ua fa’alauiloa fa’alaua’itele nei e le afioga i le tama’ita’i Palemia ia Fiamē Naomi Matā’afa i le fono a le Palemene iā Iuni, ua māe’a pāsia ‘ele Kapeneta le fa’aaogāina ai o le Fale Fono a le Palemene o Samoa i Mulinuu e usuia ai le fono autū o le fonotaga mo ta’ita’i o Mālō o le Taupulega(C.H.O.G.M) i le masina o Oketopa o le tausaga nei 2024.

Na fa’amanino foi e le tama’ita’i Palemia, o lo’o sologa lelei lava tapenaga a le Mālō mo lana taligāmālō tele, auā o le taimi muamua lenei ua talimālō ai se atumotu o le Pasefika i fonotaga nei a taitai o mālō o le Taupulega.

E fa(4) isi fono lāiti o le ‘ā faataunuuina i lea taimi, e iai le fono o tinā(Women’s Forum), Fono o Tupulaga(Youth Forum), Fono mo Tagata(People’s Forum) ma le fono o Pisinisi(Busuness Forum).

O nei fonotaga eseese o le ‘ā faataunuuina i isi nofoaga, e pei o le Faletalimālō o le Tanoa Hotel i Sogi, Faletele(hall) a le Matāgaluega o Tinā ma Tamaitai, Atina’e o Nu’u ma Agafesootai, Potu Fono a le TATTE ma isi nofoaga a le mālō.

Fale fono a Samoa o le’a faia ai le fonotele a le C.H.O.G.M ia Oketopa. Ata: Manteena

O isi tapenaga, o le mautinoa lea o le tulaga malu puipuia o le atunuu i taimi o le fonotaga, lea ua galulue ai ma isi o pā’aga mai fafo e ala i leoleo ma i latou o iai tomai tau puipuiga.

O lea foi taimi mo le lua(2) vaiaso, o le ‘ā tapunia ai le uafu fa’avāomālō a Samoa i Matautu, ona e fa’aaogaina e tuta ai se va’a tele e api ai ni isi o tagata usufono(delegates).

Ua tapena foi le au faipisinisi i le tuuina atu o auaunaga manaomia, ma o le ‘ā mautinoa fo’i le sasa’a mai o seleni e fesoasoani ai foi i le tatou tamā’ō’āiga.

E 56 atunuu mai le atu Aferika, Karapiane, Amerika, Europa,Asia ma le Pasefika o le ‘ā auai mai.

O le manulautī o lea fonotaga tele, o le toe faamalosia lea o feagaiga so’ofa’atasi, saili ma faatalanoa ni avanoa fou, aemaise o le saili fofō i le tele o lu’itau ua aga’i mai i nei oma taimi ma a’afia ai le agai atu i le lumana’i o atunuu uma e pei o suiga o le tau, fefatauaiga, saogalemū ma isi.

E talu mai le tausaga 1971 na amata fa’avaeina ai nei fonotaga, e tai lua tausaga ma usuia i lona faatamilosaga i atunuu uma o loo i lalo o le li’o o Mālō o le Taupulega.

O le atunuu mulimuli na usuia ai lea fonotaga o Rwanda i Aferika i Sisifo.

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