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4 July 2024
HomePasifikaNew ZealandWhat gets axed under the National-led Government?

What gets axed under the National-led Government?

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In the wake of the recent elections, New Zealanders brace themselves for sweeping changes under the Christopher Luxon-led National Government. The party had emphasised a significant rollback of policies implemented by the Labour Government during their campaign.

Below is a comprehensive list of notable policies and reforms on the chopping block:

Free Prescriptions

National is reinstating the $5 prescription fee and believes that only those genuinely unable to afford it should be exempt.

Fair Pay Agreements

Labour’s industry-wide pay agreements will be abolished. The 90-Day trial periods will also make a return, allowing employers more flexibility in terminating new employees within that time frame.

Government’s Ties with Gangs

The National Party has voiced its intention to terminate contracts with gangs that were meant for community support.

Benefits indexed to wages

Unlike Labour’s approach of linking benefits to wage growth, National intends to peg benefit increases to the Consumer Price Index inflation, excluding alcohol and tobacco.

Gang-related Prohibitions

The National Party plans to prohibit gang patches in public places and empower the police to disband gang assemblies.

No-cause eviction

National will reintroduce the no-cause eviction policy and roll back several tenancy regulations.

Auckland Light Rail

The $14.6 billion light rail project in Auckland is to be replaced with National’s $13.5b infrastructure package.

Let’s Get Wellington Moving

National plans to cancel this $7.4 billion initiative, focusing instead on a second Mt Victoria tunnel.

Three Waters

The Three Waters reforms are to be repealed and replaced by National’s “Local Water Done Well” plan.

Māori Health Authority

National intends to dismantle the Māori Health Authority, allocating its funding elsewhere.

Health Star Rating for food

The current food rating system is set for removal, with a possible replacement being sourced from overseas models.

RMA Reforms

Labour’s Resource Management Act reforms are to be repealed and replaced with National’s own set of regulations.

Clean Car Discount

The scheme that promotes green vehicles will be phased out by year’s end.

Auckland Regional Fuel Tax

National plans to legislate the removal of this tax, which costs motorists an additional 11.5 cents per litre.

Medium-Density Residential Standards

The “sausage flat” law will be repealed, with National focusing more on greenfield developments.

Cellphones in Schools

A complete ban on cellphone use in schools will be enforced.

Te Pūkenga Polytech merger

The centralisation of the polytechnic sector will be undone.

Funding for Cultural Reports

Public funding for Section 27 cultural reports in sentencing will be cut.

Reserve Bank’s Dual Mandate

National aims to refocus the Reserve Bank’s attention solely on inflation.

Speed Limit Regulations

The party will halt further speed limit reductions and might increase the limit on new highways.

Public Transport Discounts

The “Community Connect” program will be defunded, ending several public transport concessions.

This extensive rollback underscores the National Party’s vision for New Zealand, which contrasts sharply with Labour’s preceding direction. As these changes take root, only time will reveal the effects on the Kiwi populace.

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SourceNZ Herald
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