The village of Samusu proudly inaugurated its newly constructed primary school, made possible through generous funding from the Government of Japan as reported by Savali Newspaper. The completion of the Samusu Primary School, valued at USD 196,296 (approximately SAT 522,000), marks a momentous occasion for the community.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Samoa, His Excellency Mr. Senata Keisuke, alongside Minister of Education and Culture, Seuula Ioane Tuā’au, graced the event with their presence and delivered remarks highlighting the strong bond between the two nations.
“Today, we celebrate not just the opening of a school, but the strengthening of the enduring friendship between Japan and Samoa,” remarked Ambassador Senata. “Education is a cornerstone of development, and Japan is committed to supporting Samoa in this vital sector.”
The Samusu Primary School boasts eight spacious classrooms and a staff room, providing a conducive environment for both students and educators. The project, which commenced construction in March of the previous year, is a testament to the collaborative efforts between Japan and Samoa in advancing education and community development.
“As we gather here today, we are reminded of the proverb ‘O le ala i le pule o le tautua’ – ‘The path to leadership is through service,'” stated Minister Tuā’au. “This school stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for our children, guiding them towards a brighter future.”
The inauguration ceremony was attended by community leaders, teachers, students, and representatives from both Japanese and Samoan governments, symbolising the collective commitment to the betterment of education in Samoa.