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23 October 2024
HomeHealth25 different types of cancer found in Samoa

25 different types of cancer found in Samoa

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According to global statistics, there are 86 different types of cancers affecting human beings. Concerning Samoa, there are 25 different types of cancer that affect its people, with most of them having caused death.

Of these 25, breast cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, and colorectal cancer are the most common.

These statistics were released by the Samoa Cancer Society and were made available through the Samoa Newshub yesterday.

“At this time, there have been 4 new cases recorded in January 2024, 9 in February 2024, and 2 from the beginning of this month, and adding cases from 2023, making a total of 46 cancer cases currently being monitored by the cancer centre today,” stated Fuamatala Tofilua Taelevai, registered nurse, cancer centre.

All of these 46 cases were discovered late, and no treatment options are available, but supportive care services are still being provided.

The number of cases is still high and continues to rise among the population affected by cancer, despite the extensive promotions by the Society. Much of this can be attributed to neglect or ignorance, resulting in delayed detection when a cure could still be possible if discovered in a timely manner.

The youngest cancer patient identified is a three-year-old child being supported by the Society at home.

The last baby born diagnosed with this same cancer died in 2019, a mere six months after birth.

Fuamatala’s encouraging words, despite the incurable nature of cancer, emphasized, ‘We should remove doubts from our minds thinking once you get cancer you die.’

No one controls life but God, and there is always a cure as long as the diagnosis is done on time or cancer is detected early.

“God also provides miracles that we may not always perceive.

Therefore, even if afflicted with this illness, seek treatment promptly and be vigilant in seeking medical attention quickly.”

O le tala na tusia i le Fa’aSamoa, fa’aliliu ai i le Fa’aigilisi

25 ituaiga kanesa eseese ua i Samoa

I faamaumauga a le lalolagi, e 86 le aofai o ituaiga kanesa ua maua ai tagata soifua. O le faanoanoaga mo Samoa, e 25 kanesa eseese ua aafia ai ona tagata, ma o nisi ua maliliu ai.

E mai i lena 25, o le kanesa o le susu, kanesa o le porosetate, kanesa o le taufale sei tulou, ma le kanesa o le laualo, lea ua sili ona taatele.

O faamaumauga aloaia ia a le Sosaite o le Kanesa i Samoa, na tuuina mai i le Samoa Newshub i le aso ananafi.

“O le taimi nei, o cases fou na sau totonu ia Ianuari 2024, e 4, Fepuari 2024 e 9, ma le amataga o le masina nei e 2, tuu iai ma cases mai le 2023 e 32, ona 46 ai lea o cases o le Kanesa oloo tausia e le Ofisa i le taimi nei,” Fuamatala Tofilua Taelevai, Tausi Soifua Resitalaina mo gasegase o le kanesa.

O le 46 lea, e iloa ane ua tuai, ma ua le toe aoga iai se togafitia, ae oloo faatino pea iai galuega fesoasoani.

Oloo maualuga pea ma agai i luga le aofai o tagata o le atunuu ua maua i le kanesa, e ui foi i le tele o faapisapisa a le Sosaiete, o le faatamala lava o le toatele ua le toe aoga ai se togafitiga, aua e maua lava le fofo pe a vave ona iloa.

O le tagata pito i laititi ua fa nei tausaga oloo maua i le kanesa ma oloo tausia foi e le Sosaiete i lona aiga, o le pepe tolu tausaga.

O le pepe oloo gata mai ai fanau na maliliu i le nei gasegase na maliu i le 2019, e na’o le 6 masina.

Saunoa faamalosiau Fuamatala e ui i taunuuga ogaoga o le nei ma’i, “Aveese ma o tatou mafaufau manatu faapea e ta’u loa le kanesa ona mafaufau lea i le oti.

“E leai se tasi e pule i le manava ola a le Alii, e iai lava le togafitiga pe a vave ona iloa auga.

“E iai foi vavega a le Atua e tutupu e le’o silafia e fomai ma i tatou uma.

“O lea, aua le loto vaivai pe a maua i lea gasegase, agai mai e faia siaki, ma vave ona togafitia.”

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