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1 April 2025
HomeChurchA humble act: Pastor washes young man’s feet

A humble act: Pastor washes young man’s feet

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A heartfelt demonstration of humility featuring the Church Minister for Vailoa Seventh Day Adventist (S.D.A) Church taking off his hat as a Pastor and washing the feet of one of the church members.

Such practice is part of the church’s communion service, which emphasises forgiveness; making peace with the person you had differences with, prior to the acceptance of the body and blood of Jesus in the form of unfermented grape juice and unleavened bread.

Washing of feet as act of humility at Vailoa Seventh Day Adventist Church. Photo: Facebook

During the foot washing service, teary eyes are often seen as people admit their wrongdoings to each other and apologise for their mistakes.

Consequently, there are no more enemies in the church; joy and happiness fill everyone’s hearts, symbolising freedom.

How wonderful and marvelous it is when there is peace and harmony caused by an act of humility in our lives.

Jay Pisa forgiveness and brotherhood in Christ. Photo: Facebook

Even Jesus Himself did not think about his status as the King but came down and chose to offer the same service to his disciples.

“If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet,” Jesus told his disciples.

Fealofani i le Atua. Ata: Vailoa Seventh Day Adventist Church FB

As part of the traditions in the regions that Jesus lived in, a family does foot washing for their visitors as roads were just dirt, and it simply shows good hospitality.

It has been over a century since the Seventh Day Adventist Church first included foot washing service in their communion services, which usually take place every first Sabbath of the quarter (3 months).

As we are about to welcome the new week ahead, it is anticipated that there will be challenges, but remember, ‘Staying humble is the key to a successful and happy life.’

Fa’aliliuga i le gagana Samoa

E faigatā tele ona fa’atinoina se auaunaga sili ona maualalo i le va’ai, mo le isi uso-a-tagata.

Ae peita’i, o se fa’ataitaiga sili o le loto maualalo na faia e Iesu mo ona soo, na ia tulai ai ma le pesini vai ma le solo, ma mulumulu a’i o latou vae.

O le ata fo’i lea na valivali’ina i sauniga o le mulumuluga a le Ekalesia Aso Fitu o le Toe Afio Mai i Vailoa i le nei Sapati, ina ua femulumulua’i aao (vae) o tagata lotu, amata mai lava ile Fa’aao o le galuega, le fa’afeagaiga ia Orien Savea.

O le nei fa’atinoga, e faia e so’o se Ekalesia Aso Fitu o le Toe Afio Mai i le lalolagi, ma e faia ina ia mua’i faia ai se leleiga i le va o tagata o le ekalesia, a’o lumanai ai le taliaina o le Tino ma le Toto o Iesu, le areto e le fa’afefeteina ma le uaina e le filogia.

Pe a mā’ea ona mulumulu e le tasi o le a’ao o le isi, e feofo’ofota’i, ma fefa’amagaloa’i, maua le sa’olotoga e tapua’i ai, atoa ma le fiafia moni.

O lenei tu na amata mai i le aganu’u a nu’u na feafioa’i ai Iesu a’o iai i le lalolagi, e mulumulu e le aiga talimālo so’o se tagata e afea lo latou fale, ona o le tulaga pefua ma le palapala o auala, ma o i e atagia ai le talimalo lelei.

Pe a maualalo o tatou loto, e fa’atumuina foi i le olioli.

A’o sauni ai e amatalia lena vaiaso fou, e tele luitau o le olaga olo’o fa’atali mai, ae ia manatua, e uiga ese ma maoa’e le tulaga o le soifuaga pe a fa’amaualalo o tatou loto, maua ai le filemu ma taunu’uga lelei o le soifuaga.

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