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6 October 2024
HomeWorld NewsUSADwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has expressed his concerns about cancel-culture

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has expressed his concerns about cancel-culture

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The 51-year-old actor acknowledges that the prevalent “easy cancel-culture” of today’s world bothers him and hinders people from being genuine.

In an interview with Fox News, Johnson voiced his frustration, stating, “Today’s easy cancel-culture world, and cancel culture, woke culture, this culture, that culture, division, et cetera, that really bugs me.”

He emphasised the importance of staying true to oneself despite pressures to conform, saying, “In the spirit of that, you either succumb and be what you think other people want you to be, or you go, ‘Well, no, that’s not who I am. I’m gonna be myself, and I’m gonna be real.'”

Johnson stressed the significance of providing honest responses, even if they may provoke disagreement, adding, “If you ask me something, a real answer is important, and the truthful answer’s important. And that may get people upset.”

Despite polls suggesting he would have significant support if he ran for US president, Johnson has firmly ruled out any such aspirations. He cited his focus on family and personal priorities, stating, “As of now, no, that’s not my intention. I’m not a politician. I’m not into politics. I care deeply about our country.”

While he supported Joe Biden in the 2020 US presidential election, Johnson has decided against endorsing a candidate for the upcoming election. He believes that publicly supporting a candidate could further divide the country, expressing his trust in the American people to choose their leader.

Taumafai sina gagana Samoa

Ua fa’alia se lē fiafia e Seiuli i le ta’atele o le sosolo o lenei amioga o le “cancel-culture” i luga o paepae o upegatafa’ilagi.

Tatou tilotilo se’i tatala si fafafige lea e igoa ia “cancel-culture.”

O le “cancel-culture” e fa’asino i le fa’aaliga lautele o tagata po’o vaega e fa’aalia ai se latou lē fiafia, po’o se tete’e i se tagata, po’o se fa’alapotopotoga, po’o le mālo, mai i se tala ua latou faia fa’alaua’itele po’o se amioga fo’i ua lē fiafia ai se to’atele.

O lenei masani/amioga ua tupu tele i luga o paepae o upegatafa’ilagi, lea e mafai ai ona vave ma lautele fa’asalalauga o manatu o tagata lautele.

O le upu lenei o le “cancel-culture” e mafai ona fa’auigaina o se taufa’aleaga po’o le fa’amāina lea o se tagata fa’alaua’itele i se taimi vave ina ia aveesea ai se lagolago a nisi mo sea tagata po’o se fa’alapotopotoga fo’i.

O nei amioga e aofia ai le vala’au lautele lea mo se fa’ate’aina o se tagata mai se galuega po’o tulaga maualuga, ma e lavea ai le fa’atauva’aina o sea tagata, ina ia aveesea mai ai i latou mai i se fa’alapotopotoga po’o tulaga mauluga i se mālo.

E ui o nisi e va’ai i le “cancel-culture” o se auala e fa’amalosia ai se amiotonu lautele, e ala i le fa’ailoaina lea o ni amioga matagā a se tagata po’o se fa’alapotopotoga, ina ia maua ai ni suiga lelei, ae o lona itu leaga, o le’a fa’amalosia ai tū vaevae o tagata, ma fa’ateteleina ai feaiga’i pei o ni ta’ifau tata’a solo, pe faia ai fo’i ni fa’asalalauga leaga e aunoa ma le iloa pe sa’o pe sese, ma le iloa ai e tagata po’o fea o le a tua iai.

I le ogatotonu o le finauga, e uiga i le “cancel-culture,” o lo’o iai se fete’ena’iga i le va lea o le mana’o e fa’amalosia amioga lelei, ae o le a fa’alaua’iteleina ai fo’i le tusitusilima ae ua leai ai se manatu, o le tagata lava ia e sese ma e iai ona vaivaiga.

Ua fa’apea mai tagata e te’ete’e i le “cancel-culture,” o le’a toesea ai le tuto’atasi o le tagata i lana aia tatau, lona sa’olotoga e tautala ai, ma fa’alavelave lea i talanoa tatala, ma fefe ai, ne’i te’i ua “cancel” po’o le “fa’aleaogaina” e le lautele i luga o paepae o upegatafa’ilagi.

O le “cancel-culture” o se “double-edged sword” po’o se sapelu e lua ona pito e ma’ai. A lua ona vaega tauma’ai ona fa’aletonu ai lea o le lē iloa po’o fea luga, a’o fea lalo.

E sa’o ai Petelo, “ua ta lē iloa, po’o le lelei, po’o le leaga.”


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