Piui Simi captures the festive spirit of Maluafou College's Easter celebration, featuring a captivating skit and vibrant dance performances. (Photo credit: Piui Simi, Samoa Observer)

Maluafou College held an Easter celebration where teachers and students performed a reenactment of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, evoking mixed emotions among those present. This annual event, which is customary for all Congregational Christian Church Samoa (CCCS) schools, involves enacting the moments leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. This year’s theme was “The Way of the Cross,” and it was brought to life by the college staff and Year 13 students during the school assembly.

The performance was very creative and emotional, reminding everyone present of God’s unconditional love for his children since the beginning of time. The event began with a powerful sermon by Reverend Falesefulu Falesefulu, who emphasized the importance of understanding why Jesus chose to carry our sins on his shoulders. He highlighted Jesus’ humility and forgiveness, despite being badly beaten and shamed.

This year, the teachers participated in the event alongside the students, highlighting the concept of oneness during the Holy Easter period. The school principal, Lasi Tavae, expressed her delight that the staff joined in, making the event memorable and demonstrating that Maluafou College is more than just a school; it is a complete family that comes together to bring the spirit of Jesus’ death to life.

The Easter celebration included a variety of activities such as skits, drama, songs, bible reading, and prayers, and was attended by parents, teachers, and members of the community. Maluafou College has over 40 staff members and around a thousand students. As the world approaches Good Friday, the event served as a reminder of the sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross, and the love and salvation that he offers to all who believe.