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16 March 2025
HomeEntertainmentHaylanni elevates Samoa's world status

Haylanni elevates Samoa’s world status

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Although Samoa is small, it has been significantly represented for the first time in the quest for a Miss Global title. The world watched as Haylanni Pearl Kuruppu reached the pinnacle of the competition, finishing in second place, with the lady from Puerto Rico being crowned Miss Global 2023.

Haylanni’s journey was not easy. Starting from her preparations on the first day, she progressed through the top 20, then to the top 15, and finally secured her spot in the top 5 from where the winner was chosen.

The publicity and support from those who prepared her for the competition have made our country famous. The event was broadcast live from Cambodia at 2 a.m. Samoan time.

Not only Samoans from various parts of the world but also Pacific Islanders and people from other nations have shown their appreciation and support for Haylanni’s efforts. The third position was held by Thailand, fourth by the Philippines, and fifth by Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Samoa’s 2023-2024 beauty pageant representative, Moemoana Safaatoa Schwenkie, is preparing for the upcoming Miss Pacific pageant to be held in Nauru next February.

Samoan Translation

Siitia e Haylanni le tulaga o Samoa i le vaai a le lalolagi

E itiiti si o tatou atunuu, ae ua faatepa e lana suitauva i le taimi muamua ua auai ai i le sailia o se tausala o le kelope, le lalolagi na maimoa ina ua ia ausia le tumutumuga o le tauvaga, ma faapaleina ai Haylanni Pearl Kuruppu ina ua ia laasia le tulaga lua, ae seei mai ai le tamaitai Puerto Rico e avea ma lalelei o le kelope 2023.

E lei faigofie le finau a le tatou tausala, amata mai lava i ana tapenaga i le aso muamua, seia oo ina ausia le toa 20 pito i luga, saofaga atu i le toa 15 pito i luga, toe maua lona avanoa i le toalima pito i luga lea na saili mai ai le manumalo. Ua tele le faalauiloa ua faia e le tamaitai ma i latou na tapenaina lona auai ile faamoemoe, ua ta’uta’ua ai si o tatou atunuu.

O le itula e lua i le taimi samoa i le taeao nei na faasalalau tuusao mai ai le tauvaga, mai i Cambodia. E le gata o tagatanuu o samoa mai vaega eseese o le lalolagi, ae o tagata pasefika ma i latou mai isi atunuu na faamalieina la latou tapuaiga i taumafaiga a haylanni.

O le tulaga tolu oloo saofai ai Thailand, tulaga fa Filipino, male tulaga lima, le sui mai Vietnam. A’o talia ai foi le tapena atu a le tamaitai tausala o Samoa ole 2023-2024 Moemoana Safaatoa Schwenkie, i le sailia ose tausala ole Pasefika e faia ile masina fou o Fepuari i Nauru.

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