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26 January 2025
HomeNewsSamoaMany women work in office jobs, few in leadership positions

Many women work in office jobs, few in leadership positions

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It is good to see in Samoa that an increasing number of women find their way into office jobs.

The majority is in the field of education, vocational jobs, and financial positions, as indicated by the Minister of Women, Community and Social Development, Hon. Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molioo.

She pointed out, “Within the broader workforce, 43.1 percent of those employed in administrative roles are women.

In the year 2021, as recorded, about 43 percent of leadership positions in Samoa are held by women.

Which means, the other 60 percent are men.

In the judiciary sector, about 22 percent of judges recorded in 2019 are women.

In the year 2019, 43 or 23.7 percent of women were recorded as members of government advisory committees. This number increased in 2021 to 33 percent of women in these committees. According to records, about 19 percent of the heads of these committees are women.

“According to records in 2020, 22 percent of Samoa’s registered traditional chiefs are female. 44 percent of village council members participating in community development projects are women.

“From records by the Samoa Bureau of Statistics (MICS 2019-2020), around 21.6 percent of working-age women (15-49 years) are employed.

“In terms of Government leadership in Samoa, there are six female Members of Parliament, including three female Cabinet Ministers and the Honourable Prime Minister,” stated the Minister of Women, Community and Social Development.

In government, there are six female Members of Parliament, including three female Cabinet Ministers and the Honourable Prime Minister,” stated the Minister of Women, Community and Social Development.

It is not an easy journey for women to attain high positions, considering the numerous challenges they face, such as domestic violence and many women being diagnosed with cancer.

“As evident in their struggle, you can truly see the significance of the Samoan saying ‘e au lava le ina’ilau o tinā ma tama’ita’i’ – a woman can indeed succeed. The Samoan government aims to eradicate violence against women and ensure more opportunities for them in leadership positions.

O le tala na tusia i le Fa’aSamoa, fa’aliliu ai i le Fa’aigilisi

To’atele tama’ita’i i galuega fa’aofisa, to’aiti i avanoa tau pulega

O le fiafiaga mo Sāmoa lava ia, ua ausia e tama’ita’i le numera sili ona maualuga, o e olo’o maua galuega lelei i totonu o ofisa.

E mātele lava i le itu tau a’oa’oga, galuega fa’asoifua māloloina, ma galuega tau tupe, e pei ona fa’ailoa e le Minisita o Tinā ma Tama’ita’i, Atina’e o Afioaga ma Agafeso’ota’i i a Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molioo.

Na ia saunoa, “I le va’aiga lautele, e 43.1 pasene o tagata faigaluega i galuega fa’amauina, o tama’ita’i.

“O le tausaga e 2021, o lo’o fa’amauina ai, e tusa o le 43 pasene o avanoa tau pulega i Samoa, e umia e tama’ita’i.”

O lona uiga, o le isi 60 pasene, o le itupā o ali’i.

“O le vaega o fa’amasinoga, e tusa o le 22 pasene o le faitau aofa’i o fa’amasino o lo’o fa’amauina i le tausaga e 2019, o tama’ita’i.

“O le tausaga e 2019, sa fa’amauina ai le 43 o le aofa’i po’o le 23.7 pasene o tama’ita’i, o lo’o fai ma sui o Komiti Fa’atonu a le Mālo. Sa si’itia lea numera i le tausaga e 2021, i le 33 pasene o sui tama’ita’i i totonu o Komiti Fa’atonu. Mai nei lava fa’amaumauga, o le 19 pasene o lo’o fai ma ta’ita’ifono o Komiti Fa’atonu a le Mālo, o tama’ita’i.

“E tusa ai ma tatou fa’amaumauga i le tausaga e 2020, o le 22 pasene o le aofa’i o matai resitalaina o Sāmoa, o tinā tama’ita’i. O le 44 pasene o matai o lo’o auai i totonu o saofa’iga a nu’u i nu’u sa su’esu’eina, o tama’ita’i.

“I fa’amaumauga a le Ofisa o Fuainumera Fa’amaumauina (po’o le MICS 2019-2020), e tusa o le 21.6 pasene o tama’ita’i i le va o le 15-49 tausaga le mātutua, o lo’o faigaluega.

“O le tulaga i upufai a le Malō mo Sāmoa, e 6 sui faipule tama’ita’i o lo’o i totonu o le Palemene o Sāmoa – e 3 Minisita tama’ita’i e aofia ai ma le Afioga i le Palemia,” Minisita o Tinā ma Tama’ita’i.

E le faigofie le tau sailia o le auala o tina ma tama’ita’i i tulaga maualuluga, pe a fua i le ogaoga o fa’afatiatama’i latou te feagai e pei o sauaga, ae ua fa’amauina foi pito sili ona to’atele i tama’ita’i e ua a’afia i le kānesa.

O ata nei e iloa ai, e au lava le ina’ilau o tinā ma tama’ita’i, ae e le muta i’inei le finau a le Mālo, ina ia ausia mana’oga o ana ta’iala mo le lumana’i mānuia o Sāmoa, lea e tatau ai ona tāfiesea sauga fa’asaga i lea itupā aemaise ia to’atele i lātou e maua avanoa tau pūlega.

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