The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has revealed the designated location for the upcoming Savai’i Samoa Temple, marking an important moment for members of the Church in Samoa.
Situated on a spacious 5.5-acre parcel spanning from Lot 1098 to Lot 1105 in the picturesque subarea of Fataloa within Salelologa village, plans for the temple revealed a single-story structure encompassing approximately 29,630 square feet.
The Savai’i Samoa Temple project was introduced by Church President Russell M. Nelson during his October 2023 address to the worldwide church, alongside the announcement of 20 new temples worldwide.
“The Lord is guiding us to erect these temples to inspire celestial perspectives,” affirmed the prophet, defining the temple’s role in fostering spiritual growth and divine connection.
Once completed, the Savai’i Samoa Temple will stand as the nation’s second temple, complementing the longstanding presence of the Apia Samoa Temple, which was originally dedicated in 1983. Following a tragic fire in 2003, the temple underwent reconstruction and subsequent rededication.

The roots of the Church in Samoa traces back to 1863 when two missionaries brought the restored gospel to the Samoan Islands. Official mission organisation followed in 1888, including Samoa’s designation as one of the earliest countries beyond the United States to establish a stake in 1962.
By 1974, Samoa distinguished itself as the first nation entirely organised into stakes, a testament to the faith and dedication of the Samoan people. Presently, nearly 88,000 Latter-day Saints worship in 165 congregations across the islands.
Temples hold profound sacredness for Latter-day Saints, serving as sacred spaces where individuals seek divine guidance, deepen their understanding of God’s plan, and enter into covenants that bind families for eternity.
With the establishment of the Savai’i Samoa Temple, believers anticipate a renewed sense of spiritual enrichment and communal unity, reflecting the enduring legacy of faith that has long defined Samoa’s relationship with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Fa’aliliuina i le fa’asamoa
Ua fa’alauiloa le nofoaga e fausiaina ai le Malumalu Sa fou i Savai’i
Ua fa’alauaitele nei e le Au Peresitene a le Ekalesia a Iesu Keriso o le Au Paia e Gata Ai le notoaga o le a fausiaina ai le malumalu lona lua i Samoa i le Savai’i Samoa Temple.
O le’a fauina i luga o se eleele telē 5.5 eka e amata mai i le poloka eleele 1098 e aga’i i le poloka 1105 i le nu’u o Fataloa i Salelologa. O fuafuaga mo le malumalu i ata ta’atitia o se fale fogatasi e tusa ma le 29,630 sikuea futu.
O le ta’ita’i o Peresitene Russell M. Nelesone na ia fa’alauiloaina lenei galeuga mo Savai’i ia Oketopa o le 2023 i lana saunoaga i le Ekalesia atoa i le lalolagi, ta’ua ai lona aogā tele fa’aleagaga aemaise le fa’alauiloaina fo’i lea o isi 20 malumalu fou i vaega eseese o le lalolagi.
“Ua fautuaina e le Atua le fausiaina o nei Malumalu Pāia mo le mauaina o manuia Fa’aselesitila,” na saunoa ai le Peresitene, fa’atauaina ai le tāua o Malumalu Pāia i le fa’aolaolaina lea o agaaga ma fa’amalosia feso’ota’iga i le Atua.
A ma’ea, o le Malumalu a Savai’i Samoa, o le a tu o se Malumalu lona lua lea i Samoa. O lona Malumalu muamua na i Pesega, Apia, na fa’apea ona muamua lona fa’apaiaina i le 1983. Ae i le tausaga e 2003 na malaia ai lea Malumalu i le afi. Na toe amataina ai le toe fausiaina ma le toe fa’apaiaina o le Malumalu Sa o lo’o tu nei i Pesega, Apia.
O a’a ma le fa’avaeina o le Ekalesia i Samoa e o’o atu i le 1863, ina ua taunu’u mai i Samoa ni Faifeau tala’i se to’alua. O le fa’atuina o le Misiona muamua i Samoa na fa’atuina i le 1888. O se fa’ailoga lea o atunu’u o le lalolagi na muamua taliaina ma fa’atuina ai lona Siteki Muamua i le 1962 i fafo mai o Amelika.
I le 1974, na fa’amautuina mautinoa ai Samoa o le atunu’u muamua i le lalolagi ua so’o atoa uma ona eleele i Siteki. O le pinefa’amau fo’i lea o le fa’atuatua o ona tagata.
I le taimi nei, e tusa ma le 88,000 agaga ua auai ma fa’amautū i le fa’atuatua i totonu o le 165 au-lotu i Samoa Atoa.
O Malumalu Paia e tāua tele i le Aupaia o Aso e Gata ai, e avea lea ma nofoaga e sulufa’i iai tagata o le Ekalesia ola agava’a mo ni ta’ita’iga fa’aleagaga, e fa’amalosia ai le mālamalama i le fuafuaga a Le Atua, ma faia ai feagaiga mo le fusia lea o se aiga i le lalolagi nei fa’atasi ma le Lagi ina ia fa’avavau aiga.
I le fa’atu ai o le Malumalu a Savai’i Samoa, ua fa’atalitali sauniuni ai le Aupāia i se fa’aolataga fa’aleagaga fa’amauoaina, ma se potopotoga o tagata nu’u i le fealofani, ma le fa’asalalauina fa’alauaitele o galuega o le fa’atuatua ua leva ona fa’aolaola ma fa’afaileleina i Samoa ma le Ekalesia a Iesu Keriso o le Au Paia o Aso e Gata Ai.