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29 March 2025
HomeChurch100th Year Celebration for Taupou Sa

100th Year Celebration for Taupou Sa

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This year marks 78 years of Malia Makalita Leua’i’s service as a Catholic nun.

Not just such long service achievement but she has reached the age of 100, which was commemorated at their residence in Vailoa.

Born in 1924, she began her service at the convent in 1946.
During a meeting with reporters, Malia shared her reflections on her aspiration to serve since she was young

The time when I was young in school, I would observe the Taupou Sa (Nuns) always going devoutly to church.

“My mind was set on wanting to be like them.

“It’s truly a blessing in my life.”

Despite her advancing years, the clarity and strength of the elderly remain evident.

“I hardly feel ill. God’s love continues to guide me through His grace. I don’t truly feel like I’m a hundred years old,” Malia said.

The Catholic Church leaders were present, including the leader of the HRPP party, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, who gave words of blessing to the Taupou Sa. Other nuns were also in attendance.

The residence for the elderly nuns accommodates many, some of whom are nearing ninety years old, but they continue to serve.

Tala i le Gagana Samoa

Ātoa le 100 tausaga o le Tama’ita’i Sa

O le tausaga lenei e atoa iai le 78 tausaga talu ona ofoina le soifua o Malia Makalita Leua’I i le galuega faatama’ita’i sa.

E le gata i lena, ua atoa foi i le aso le 100 tausaga o lona soifua, ma na faamanatuina i lo latou maota i Vailoa.

Na soifua mai i le 1924, ae na ofi atu i lenei faiva i le 1946.

I le feiloa’iga ma le vasega o Tusitala, na ta’ua ai e Malia, o lana moemitiga lea mai i lona laititi.

“O le taimi o o’u aoga, na ou vaavaai ai i Taupou Sa o agai soo lava i malumalu.

“Na faaosofia ai lo’u lagona ou te fia pei lava o i latou.

“O se faamanuiaga lava i lo’u olaga.”

E ui i ona tausaga ua ausia, e va’aia pea le tiotio ma le malosi o le olomatua.

“O a’u e se’ase’a ma’i. E alofa mai lava le Atua e ala i lana tausiga. Ou te le talitonu ua selau o’u tausaga” Saunoa ai Malia.

Na auai e mautofi o le Ekalesia katoliko, o le Ta’ita’i o le Ituagai ia Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, e faia saunoaga fa’amanuia i le Tama’ita’i Sa, a’o tumutumu ai isi Tama’ita’i Sa ma e na vala’aulia.

O le nofoaga mo Tama’ita’i Sa ua matutua, olo’o to’atele ai Tama’ita’i Sa ua silia i le iva sefulu tausaga, ae olo’o tautua pea.

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