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24 February 2025
HomeEducation“E suamalie le tausi matua,” Litea Tailimu Gafo Fa'avevela

“E suamalie le tausi matua,” Litea Tailimu Gafo Fa’avevela

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E le’i sili ane ia Litea Tailimu Gafo Fa’avevela le sailia o sona lumanai manuia ina ua ia filifili e nofo i le fale mo le 11 tausaga, e tausi le tinā o si ona tamā, e ui o lena taimi ua aga’i i luma a’oa’oga a nisi na o latou tausaga fa’atasi.

O se tasi na a’oa’oina i le Aoga Tulaga Lua a lona afioaga o Salailua mai le 1997 agai i le 2004.

O le 2005 na ulufale ai i le Kolisi o Palauli i Sisifo, seia oo ina avea ma Sili A’oa’o i le Kolisi i le 2009.

I le 2010, na ausia ai togi e ulufale ai i le Tausaga Fa’avae a le Iunivesite A’oa’o i le Papa i Galagala, ma naunau ai e auai i le Polokalame Fa’afaiaoga.

E ui i lea, e lei manumalo ni ona moemitiga ina ua ia fa’amuamua le tausia lelei o si ona tina matua, ma fa’ama’amulu ai loa mai a’oa’oga.

“Oka le olioli na i lo’u loto i le ma mafutaga ma si o’u tinā matua.
Ana le uma lava lona soifua, ou te le toe filifili e toe fa’aauau a’u a’oa’oga, ae o se taimi e lei faigofie, ona e lei tele se seleni, ae peitai, e agalelei le Atua, e ala mai i nai o’u aiga,” o lana saunoaga lea.

O le 2020 na toe foi ai e fa’ataunuu lona moemitiga, ma o le aso, ua tau ai lau o lona fa’amoemoe, ina ua aisilia ai i le vasega fa’auu o e ua maua Fa’ailoga Tikeri o Aoaoga, i Aoga Tulaga Lua.

I loimata o le olioli na ia saunoa ai, “Maimau e pe ana soifua mai si o’u tina matua e molimau taunuuga o ana talosaga. Fa’afetai i o’u aiga, o faiaoga o le Papa i Galagala, aemaise o le aufaauu, ua tini pa’o le uto.”
O Litea e mai i afioaga o Vaovai Falealili, Fasitoo Tai, Satuiatua, Salailua ma Taga.

O se alo e fa’asino ia Leulua’i Agalii Gafo Fa’avevela ma Puagau Agalii Gafo Fa’avevela, ma e tolu ma le afa tausaga na finau ai mo le fa’ailoga fa’apitoa ua ia maua i le aso, i le fa’auuga tele a le Iunivesite Aoao o Samoa.

English Translation

“Looking after parents is sweet,” Litea Tailimu Gafo Fa’avevela

Litea Tailimu Gafo Fa’avevela did not surpass the pursuit of her promising future when she decided to stay at home for 11 years to take care of her father’s mother, even though during that time, the education of others of her age progressed.

She was educated at the Salailua Secondary School from 1997 to 2004.

In 2005, she entered Palauli College in the West, until she became the top student in 2009.

In 2010, she achieved the grades to enter the University Foundation Year at the Papa i Galagala campus, eager to join the Teacher Training Program.

However, her dreams were not realised when she prioritised the well-being of her elderly mother, withdrawing from her studies.

“There was joy in my heart in my relationship with my elderly mother. If she had not passed away, I would not choose to continue my education, but it was not an easy time because there was not much money, however, God is kind, through some of my family,” she said.

In 2020, she returned to fulfill her dream, and today, she reaps the fruits of her hope, having topped her graduating class receiving a Degree in Education for Secondary School.

With tears of joy, she spoke, “It would have great if my elderly mother were alive to witness the results of her prayers. Thanks to my family, the teachers at Papa i Galagala, especially the graduates, the dream has been fulfilled.”

Litea is from the villages of Vaovai Falealili, Fasitoo Tai, Satuiatua, Salailua, and Taga.

She is the daughter of Leulua’i Agalii Gafo Fa’avevela and Puagau Agalii Gafo Fa’avevela, and it took her three and a half years to fight for degree in Teaching which she received today when she graduated at the National University of Samoa.

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