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27 March 2025
HomeBusiness13 new businesses established at the Fugalei market

13 new businesses established at the Fugalei market

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The total cost of 13 stores built at the Fugalei Market has reached $300,000, for the benefit of the country’s business community as led by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).

The 13 selected businesses include:

  1. Fernina Shop by Mr. Sefulu Pitoitua, offering a range of products including frozen goods and cash power.
  2. Arabella Construction Office by Mr. Tupa’i and Puna Auava Tuālagi, specialising in all types of construction work and renovation services for your home/office.
  3. Tokouso Barbershop by Mr. Shalom Semi – Taufa for your haircut needs.
  4. M & JR’s Creation by Mr. Junior Avealalo, a sewing shop.
  5. Mobi – Care Samoa by Mr. Shalom Amn Meke Pa’ala, providing mobile phone repair services and technology goods sales.
  6. Talofa Print Services by Mr. Lāfaele Antonio Polu, offering printing services for school books and office needs.
  7. Shavonis Travel Agency by Mr. Anzac Sera Setefano for visa assistance and travel services.
  8. Teinelelei Creation by Ms. Makerita Fidow, a sewing shop.
  9. Pam’s Cakery by Ms. Laupama Rokeni, offering cake services for birthdays, weddings, and any event.
  10. AJ Classic Fashion & Sewing Shop by Mr. Alapati Avealalo, a sewing shop.
  11. Browns Barbershop by Mr. Aaron Brown, offering haircut services.
  12. C4U Technologies & Cash 4 U Finance by Mr. Alexander Ah Tong, providing mobile phone repairs and technology goods alongside financial services.
  13. Eseta Pesamino Shop by Mr. Pesamino Taulua for all types of spare parts.
13 stores built at the Fugalei Market opening. Photo: Leaosā Fa’aifo Fa’aifo

In the keynote speech officially opening this important endeavour, Prime Minister Fiame Dr. Naomi Mataafa clearly articulated the high-minded spirit that inspired this project, as decided by the Government:

“Our Government’s spirit is to enrich our people by expanding opportunities for various developments. These 13 opportunities were created to showcase the skills and abilities of our people to run businesses for the upliftment of our family, village, church, economies, and indeed our country.

“At the Board meeting in February 2023, it was agreed to convert the Green House previously on this site into stores for agricultural and gardening products. The design by Mr. Allen Sione was broadcasted, and T & T Construction won the project. On August 21, 2023, this work began. A challenge noted by the contractor was the fluctuation of construction material prices, which delayed the work.

“The design by Mr. Allen Sione had a cost of $18,000. T & T Construction’s building cost was $187,800. The total cost of this project amounted to $205,800.

“However, the purpose of these buildings was changed from selling agricultural products to selling various other goods. An additional $93,900 was added to strengthen and secure the building for various businesses that would use it, as intended in this project.

“Immense gratitude is extended to Mr. Vainalepa Armaur Tuli Taogaga of T & T Construction and his team for this work. After seven months, the job is completed, overcoming many challenges with diligence and patience. Well done for the hard work and perseverance.

“Mr. Allen Sione, the architect and overseer of the work, must feel a different sense of achievement seeing a concept drawn in imagination and on paper come to life. Thank you for the vision of this project.

“The essence of today is officially opening this special building for selling various goods. Many thanks to the Chairman and the Board, the CEO, management, and staff of the Emergency Disaster Compensation Organisation, for providing this opportunity for the benefit of our people who desire a place for such business, for the development of the economy of families, villages, churches, and country.

“With more opportunities like this, more people are employed, gaining skills and abilities to look for further developments.

“For the 13 who have been given space in this building. May God bless your diligent work. May God generously pour his wisdom on you to produce quality, durable, and affordable products for the glory of our country and visitors from abroad.”

Samoa ACC new rubbish truck. Photo: Leaosā Fa’aifo Fa’aifo

A new garbage truck for the Organisation was also introduced for collecting waste at the Fugalei Market itself for the businesses utilising the Organisation’s buildings.

For your information, the primary work of the Accident Compensation Corporation (A.C.C.) is to provide compensation to those registered in case of injury or death due to emergencies at any time.

Fa’aliliuga i le gagana Samoa

Tala tusia e Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga o le Savali Newspaper. Na fa’aliliuina i le gagana Peretania e Samoa Newshub.

13 Pisinisi Fou ua Fa’atūina i le Maketi i Fugalei

E lalata i le $300,000 le tau aofa’i o faleoloa e 13 ua fausia i le Maketi i Fugalei, auā le aufaipisinisi i le atunu’u e pei ona ta’imua ai le Fa’alapotopotoga o Taui mo Fa’alavelave Fa’afuase’i (A.C.C.).

O ia Pisinisi e 13 ua filifilia, e aofia ai;

  1. Fernina Shop a le susuga iā Sefulu Pitoitua, e maua ai so’o se oloa e aofia ai ma oloa tu’u ‘aisa ma cash power.
  2. Arabella Construction Office a le susuga iā Tupa’i ma Puna Auava Tuālagi, fa’apitoa mo so’o se galuega fau fale ma auaunaga toe fa’aleleia o lou maota /ofisa.
  3. Tokouso Barbershop a le susuga iā Shalom Semi – Taufa mo le ‘otiina o lau ao.
  4. M & JR’s Creation a le susuga iā Junior Avealalo, o le Fale su’isu’i.
  5. Mobi – Care Samoa a le susuga iā Shalom Amn Meke Pa’ala, o lea auaunaga e toe fa’aleleia ai telefoni ma fa’atau atu ai oloa tau tekonolosi.
  6. Talofa Print Services a le susuga iā Lāfaele Antonio Polu, o se auaunaga mo kopi o tusi auā fanau ā’oga ma ofisa.
  7. Shavonis Travel Agency a le susuga iā Anzac Sera Setefano auā fesoasoani mo visa malaga ma auaunaga tau femalagā’iga.
  8. Teinelelei Creation a le susuga iā Makerita Fidow, o le Fale su’isu’i.
  9. Pam’s Cakery a le susuga iā Laupama Rokeni o se auaunaga e saunia ai keke mo aso soifua ma fa’aipoipoga ma so’o se fa’alavelave.
  10. AJ Classic Fashion & Sewing Shop a le susuga iā Alapati Avealalo, o le Fale su’isu’i.
  11. Browns Barbershop a le susuga iā Aaron Brown, o le auaunaga mo le fa’afugaina o lou lau ao.
  12. C4U Technologies & Cash 4 U Finance a le susuga iā Alexander Ah Tong, o se auaunaga mo le fa’aleleia o telefoni ma oloa tau tekonolosi fa’atasi ai ma auaunaga tau tupe nonō.
  13. Eseta Pesamino Shop a le susuga iā Pesamino Taulua auā so’o se oloa mo spare parts.

I le saunoaga autū e tatala aloā’ia ai lenei fa’amoemoe tāua, na saunoa ai le Afioga i le Palemia iā Fiame Dr. Naomi Mataafa, e talatala manino le agaga mauāluga na afua ai lenei fa’amoemoe, e pei ona tōfā i ai le Mālō;

“O le agaga o lo tatou Mālō, ia fa’atamāo’āigaina o tatou tagata e ala i le fa’atupula’ia o avanoa mo atina’e ‘ese’ese. Ua fausia ai nei avanoa e 13 e fa’aāli ai tomai ma agava’a o tatou tagata e fa’atautaia pisinisi auā le si’itia o atina’e o le tamāo’āiga o tatou ‘āiga, nu’u, ekalesia aemaise si o tatou atunu’u.

“O le fonotaga a le Komiti Fa’atonu iā Fepuari 2023, sa taliaina ai le suia o le Green House sa i ai i le nofoaga lenei, aga’i i faleoloa mo fua o fa’ato’aga ma fa’a’ele’eleaga. Sa fa’asalalauina le ata sa tusia e le susuga i le tusi ata iā Allen Sione, ma manumālō ai le Kamupanī o le T & T Construction. O le aso 21 o Aokuso 2023, na amatalia ai lenei galuega. O le fa’afitauli sa fa’ailoa mai e le kamuta, o le fesi’ita’iga o tau o oloa fau fale sa tau fa’atuai ai le galuega.

“O le tusi ata iā Allen Sione sa ia va’aia fo’i le galuega i lona tau e $18,000. O le Kamupanī a le T & T Construction sa o latou fausia i le tau e $ 187,800. O lona tau aofa’i o lenei Galuega e $205,800.

“Peita’i, sa toe suia le fa’amoemoe o nei fale mai le fa’atau ai o fua o fa’ato’aga ma fa’a’ele’eleaga, aga’i faleoloa e fa’atau ai isi oloa e ‘ese mai fa’ato’aga. Sa toe fa’aopoopo ai le tau $93,900 ina ia malosi ma mausalī le fale auā pisinisi ‘ese’ese o le a latou fa’aāogaina, e pei ona i ai lenei fa’amoemoe.

“E momoli ai le agaga o le fa’afetai tele i lau Susuga i le matua o faiva, lau Susuga Vainalepa Armaur Tuli Taogaga o le T & T Construction ma lau aufaigaluega mo lenei galuega. O lea ua tini pa’ō le uto, o lele ua tu le failā, ua mae’a le galuega sa feagai ai mo le fitu masina. Mālō le galulue, mālō le onosa’i i fa’afitauli.

“Lau Susuga i le Architecture, Allen Sione; o le tusi ata ma lē sa va’aia le galuega, e talitonu ua ‘ese lagona pe a silasila atu ua tino mai se ata sa tusia i mafaufauga ma luga o laupepa. Fa’afetai mo le ata o lenei galuega.

“O le ‘auga lava o lenei aso, o le tatala aloā‘ia o lenei maota fa’apitoa mo le fa’atauina atu o oloa ‘ese’ese. Fa’afetai tele i le Ta’ita’ifono ma le Komiti Fa’atonu, le Ofisa Sili o Pulega, Pulega ma le Aufaigaluega a le Fa’alapotopotoga o Taui mo Fa’alavelave Fa’afuase’i, ona o le avanoa ua tu’uina atu mo le mamalu o le tatou atunuu o lo’o fia maua se nofoaga mo pisinisi fa’apenei, auā le fa’atuputupula’ia o le atina’ega o le tamāo’āiga o ‘āiga, nu’u, ekalesia ma le atunu’u.

“A tele ni avanoa fa’apenei, e tele fo’i tagata ua fa’afaigaluegaina, ma maua ai agava’a ma tomai e aga’i ai fo’i e sa’ili nisi atina’e.

“Mo i latou e 13 ua maua avanoa i lenei maota. Ia fa’amanuia le Atua i ō tou faiva alofilima. Ia saga tulu’i atu e le Atua pulepule tetele lona tomai iā te outou e saunia ai oloa lelei, anagatā ae taugofie, auā le mamalu o lo tatou atunu’u, fa’apea tagata tafafao mai fafo.”

Sa tatala ai fo’i ma le loli lapisi fou a le Fa’alapotopotoga auā le aoina o lapisi a le Maketi lava ia i Fugalei mo le aufaipisinisi o lo’o latou fa’aāogaina fale a le Fa’alapotopotoga auā a latou Pisinisi.

Mo le silafia, o le galuega tupito a le Fa’alapotopotoga o Taui mo Fa’alavelave Fa’afuase’i (A.C.C.), o le tu’uina atu o taui mo i latou o lo’o resitala pe a fa’amanu’alia pe maliu fo’i ona o fa’alavealve fa’afuase’i i so’o se taimi o le soifua.

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