The regulation against illegal overfishing of fish and shellfish is a primary focus for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries through its Marine Protection and Conservation Division.
Today, a segment of the program aimed at reducing excessive fishing of marine fish and shellfish was announced. The main goal is, “Value sustainable sizes of fish and shellfish.”
The Ministry reminds fishermen and those fishing in the country’s waters to adhere to sustainable fishing practices to avoid overfishing juvenile fish and shellfish. In the fish market, a regulatory marker is installed with the sustainable fishing guidelines on it for everyone fishing in the country’s waters and selling fish at the market to ensure compliance.

The Deputy Minister, Maiava Fuimaono Tito, cut the ribbon for the “Size Limit in Fisheries Matters”, along with vehicles designed to promote the Ministry’s campaign for sustainable fishing practices.
In the keynote address by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, La’auli Leuatea Polata’ivao Fosi, he mentioned the crucial role of the Advisory Committees in each community in constantly reminding the importance of these initiatives the government is striving for.

“We are witnessing the delicate and severe changes in climate, and it is an aspect we must carefully consider for now and the future.
“Today prepares for tomorrow, but if we excessively fish, what will happen to the future generations?

“The sea is a free gift from God for all of us, and we must plan and consider the future of our children.
“Fishermen, please adhere to the sustainable fishing guidelines established by the government.
“Do not fish juvenile fish and shellfish; instead, conserve them so they can multiply and we can have food every day.
“The Local Fisheries Regulations 1995 states that any person who violates any provision of these laws can be found guilty of an offense and fined up to $10,000.”
Article originally written in Samoan, authored by Taunuuga Toatasi

Tusia i le gagana Samoa e Taunuuga Toatasi
O le fuafua tatau o le so’ona fa’agota fa’asolitulafono o i’a ma figota i faigāfaiva, o se tasi lea o vaega o lo’o ‘ave ai pea le fa’amamafa a le Matāgaluega o Fa’ato’aga ma Faigāfaiva e ala i le Vaega o lo’o nafa ma le puipuia ma le fa’asaoina o le gataifale o le atunu’u.
O le asō lea sa fa’alauiloa ai se tasi o vaega o le Polokalame mo le fa’aitiitia lea o le so’ona fagotaina o i’a ma figota o le sami.
O le sini autū, “Fa’atāua le fua fa’atatau o i’a ma figota i faigāfaiva.”
O se toe fa’amanatu a le Matāgaluega i le au fai faiva ma i latou o lo’o fagotaina le gataifale o le atunu’u, ina ia tautuana le fua fa’atatau o i’a ma figota, ina ia ‘aua ne’i so’ona fagotaina tama’i i’a ma figota o le sami.
I totonu o le fale’ia, o lo’o i ai se ma’a, ua fa’apipi’i i ai le fua fa’atatau o i’a ma figota mo i latou uma o lo’o fagotaina le gataifale o le atunu’u, ina ia mautinoa e mulimulita’i i ai ma usita’ia.
O le Afioga i le Minisitā Lagolago o le Matāgaluega iā Maiava Fuimaono Tito sa ia ‘o’otiina le lipine o le ma’a o lo’o i totonu o le falei’a, fa’atasi ai ma ta’avale ua mae’a ona mamanuina mo le fa’alauteleina o le feau taumolimoli a le Matāgaluega mo le fa’aāogaina o fua fa’atatau o i’a ma figota i faigāfaiva.
I le saunoaga autū a le Afioga i le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o Fa’ato’aga ma Faigāfaiva iā La’auli Leuatea Polata’ivao Fosi, sa ia toe fa’apupula ai le tāua tele o le galuega a Komiti Faufautua o lo’o i totonu o afio’aga ta’itasi, i le toe fa’amanatu pea o le tāua o vaega nei, o lo’o taumafai i ai le Mālō.
“O lea ua tatou molimauina le ma’ale’ale o suiga mata’utia o le tau ua i ai nei, ma o se itu e tatau fo’i ona tatou tilotilo toto’a i ai mo nei ma le lumana’i.
“O nei e tapena ai taeao, ae afai tatou te so’ona fagotaina i’a ma figota, ona fa’apefea lea o fanau a le atunu’u lalovaoa, ma i latou i le lumana’i?
“O le sami o le meaalofa foa’i fua a le Atua mo i tatou uma, e tatau fo’i ona tatou fai fuafua ma taga’i i le lumana’i o ā tatou fanau.
“Outou le au fai faiva, ia tautuana ma outou le fua fa’atatau o i’a ma figota ua mae’a ona fa’ata’atitia e le Mālō e mulimulita’i i ai.
“’Auā ne’i toe fagotaina tama’i i’a ma figota, ae ia fa’asao ina ia fa’ateleina pea ma maua a tatou taumafa i aso uma.
“I le Tulafono Fa’atonutonu o Faigāfaiva i totonu o Samoa 1995, o lo’o folasia ai, so’o se tagata o ia lea ua na solia so’o se aiaiga o nei Tulafono, e mafai ona fa’amaonia lana solitulafono ma fa’asalaina i se sala tupe e le sili atu ma le $10,000.”