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24 February 2025
HomeCelebration160 years of the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM)...

160 years of the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM) in Samoa

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The respectful procession this morning of the Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM), including former and current students of St. Mary’s School, is a sign of praise and gratitude to God for successfully reaching 160 years since the founding of the work by the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM) in Samoa.

Many young women of the country have successfully completed their education at St. Mary’s School, highlighting the important role of the SMSM Sisters in nurturing the wellbeing of Samoa’s future generations. This is a significant milestone in the nation’s history.

In marking this occasion, we remember the arrival of the first SMSM Sisters in Samoa and the founding of the school and work in Savalalo on 6 June 1864.

Her Highness the Masiofo, along with the Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM) and other participants, during the celebration of the 160th anniversary of the SMSM in Samoa. Photo: Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga | Leaosā Fa’aifo Fa’aifo

Sister Marie Rose and Sister Marie de la Merci initiated the work, which was continued by Sister Marie De la Misericorde and all the SMSM Sisters from various parts of the world who dedicated their lives to serving God’s work and the people of Samoa over these 160 years.

Her Highness the Masiofo, the President of the SMSM, attended along with the Honorable Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa, Cabinet members, the SMSM Sisters, former and current students of St. Mary’s School, and other attendees.

Sister Malia Makalita Leaua’i, the oldest member of the SMSM Sisters, who recently celebrated her 100th birthday in March 2024, stands proudly with fellow sisters and community members during the anniversary event in Samoa. Photo: Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga | Leaosā Fa’aifo Fa’aifo

In her keynote address, the Honourable Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Matāafa expressed her special gratitude for the contributions of the SMSM Sisters and the SMSM in educating and nurturing the children of the nation.

“We gather this morning to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the work of the SMSM Sisters (Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary) in Samoa. This is an important milestone in our time.

“This marks the beginning of the work and calling of the SMSM Sisters in Samoa, Tutuila, Tokelau, and Hawaii. We meet for this occasion with hearts full of gratitude for the grace of God that guided the journey. The message for us is to maintain our commitment and renewed spirit, capable of all things through faith.

“This morning witnesses the complete and profound service, with wholehearted dedication to education and the overall wellbeing of people, especially the missionary work initiated by the SMSM Sisters, as seen in:

  1. St. Mary’s College, Vaimoso (SMSM St. Mary’s College, Vaimoso).
  2. St. Mary’s Primary School, Savalalo (SMSM St. Mary’s Primary, Savalalo).
  3. SMSM Retirement Home for elderly men and women at Vailoa Faleata.
  4. One SMSM volunteer worker at SVSG.
  5. Two SMSM members working in the Diocese of PagoPago.

“Today we remember:

“The SMSM Sisters who served in Samoa and have returned to their countries.

“The SMSM Sisters currently serving in other countries.

“The many who worked within the SMSM educational institutions as teachers, and those who volunteered in Samoa and distant countries;

“Former students of St. Mary’s and the many who were educated by the SMSM Sisters now living around the world.

“Parents, friends, and partners in the SMSM missionary work.

“The desire and hope that we are inspired by the courage of those who braved the challenges of the morning to continue for future years.

“May new generations keep the flame burning and the message alive. May the work always be wrapped in the spirit of praising God.

“I am grateful for the foresight and belief in the success of the mission despite challenges and obstacles. We are witnesses to the hope that the work of the SMSM Sisters in Samoa has been successfully accomplished.

“May the celebration of the 160th anniversary of the SMSM Sisters in Samoa be blessed. May the spirit of God continue to guide the mission.”

The article was originally published in Samoan, authored by Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga of the Savali Newspaper.

Tusia i le gagana Samoa e Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga

160 tausaga o Tama’ita’i Sā itu’āiga SMSM i Samoa

O le savali fa’aaloalo i le taeao nei a Tama’ita’i Sā fa’apea teine tuai ma tama’ita’i o lo’o a’otauina i le Ā’oga a Sagata Maria, o le fa’ailoga lea, o le vivi’i ma le loto fa’afetai a’e i le Atua, ona ua aulia manuia le 160 tausaga talu ona fa’avaeina galuega amata a Tama’ita’i Sā o le Itu’āiga S.M.S.M. (Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary) i Samoa.

E to’atele fanau tama’ita’i a le atunu’u, ua i’u manuia o latou olaga, na fofoa mai i le Ā’oga a Sagata Maria, o se ai tāua lea, o le sao o Tama’ita’i Sā i le fa’afaileleina o le soifua manuia o le lumana’i o Samoa mo ā taeao.

O se matāti’a tāua lenei i le tala fa’asolopito o le atunu’u.

I le fa’ailogaina o lea fa’amoemoe, e manatua ai pea le taunu’u mai i Samoa o Tama’ita’i Sā sa mua i malae ma fa’avaeina le Ā’oga ma le galuega i Savalalo i le Aso 6 Iuni 1864.

O Sister Marie Rose ma Sister Marie de la Merci sa amataina ona fa’aauau ai lea e Sister Marie De la Misericorde fa’atasi ai ma Tama’ita’i Sā uma mai vaega ‘ese’ese o le lalolagi sa tu’uina mai lo latou soifua e tautua i le galuega a le Atua ma tagatānu’u o Samoa i lenei 160 tausaga.

Na auai lana Afioga i le Masiofo, o le Fa’atinā o le S.M.S.M. fa’atasi ai ma le Afioga i le Palemia iā Fiame Naomi Mataafa, Kapeneta, Tama’ita’i Sā fa’apea ma tama’ita’i Samoa sa a’oa’oina ma nisi o lo’o a’o’oga pea i le Ā’oga a Sagata Maria.

I le saunoaga autū, na fofogaina lea e le Afioga i le Palemia iā Fiame Naomi Mataafa, e pei ona ia momoli ai lana fa’afetai fa’apitoa i le sao o Tama’ita’i Sā ma le S.M.S.M. i le taumafaiga ina ia atamamai alo ma fanau a le atunu’u.

“Ua tatou fa’atasi i lenei taeao e fa’amanatu le 160 tausaga talu ona amata galuega a Tama’ita’i Sā o le Itu’āiga S.M.S.M. (Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary) i Samoa. O se matāti’a tāua lenei i lo tatou vaitaimi.

“O le amataga lea o le galuega ma le valā’auina o Tama’ita’i Sā o le Itu’āiga S.M.S.M. i Samoa, Tutuila, Tokelau ma Hawaii.

“Ua tatou fesilafa’i i lenei fa’amoemoe ma le agaga ua tumu i le loto fa’afetai ona o le alofa tunoa o le Atua (God’s grace) na ta’ita’ia le faigāmalaga. Ua momoli mai le feau mo tatou, ia fa’apea ona tumau le ta’utinoga ma le loto fa’afouina, e gafatia mea uma i le fa’atuatua.

“O lenei taeao ua molimau ai le tautua atoatoa ma le loloto, i le agaga tu’u atoa i tulaga i a’oa’oga ma le manuia lautele o tagata aemaise o galuega fa’amisiona (missionary services) na amatalia e Tama’ita’i Sā e pei ona i ai nei le:

1. Kolisi o Sagata Maria i Vaimoso (S.M.S.M. St. Mary’s College, Vaimoso).

2. Ā’oga Tulagalua o Sagata Maria i Savalalo (S.M.S.M. St. Mary’s Primary, Savalalo).

3. Nofoaga a le S.M.S.M. mo tamā ma tinā mātutua (S.M.S.M. Retirement Home) i Vailoa Faleata.

4. Tasi (1) le sui o le S.M.S.M. o lo.o ofoina atu lana tautua i le S.V.S.G. (volunteer worker).

5. E to’alua (2) sui o le S.M.S.M. o lo’o galulue i le Diocese o PagoPago.

“E manatua i lenei aso:

“Itu’āiga o Tama’ita’i Sā (S.M.S.M.) na galulue i Samoa ma ua toe taliu ma aumau i ō latou atunu’u.

“Ituaiga o Tama’ita’i Sā (S.M.S.M.) o lo’o galulue ma tautua i isi atunu’u.

“Le to’atele o i latou sa galulue i totonu o a’oa’oga o Itu’āiga o Tama’ita’i Sā o le S.M.S.M. e pei o faiā’oga, i latou sa galulue e ofo fua le auaunaga (volunteers) i Samoa ma atunu’u e mamao;

“Teine tuai o Sagata Maria ma le to’atele o Tama’ita’i Sā sa a’otauina e Tamai’ta’i Sā o le S.M.S.M. o lo’o aumau i tafa e fia o le lalolagi.

“O mātua, uō ma pa’aga i galuega fa’amisionare a le S.M.S.M.

“O le naunauta’iga ma le fa’amoemoe ia ‘auali’itia i tatou i le agaga sa ta’ita’iina le loto toa o ē na asaina le gasū o le taeao ina ia fa’aauau mo nisi tausaga o i luma.

“Ia fou mai ni tupulaga e fa’aola pea le mumū o le lamepa ia ola le feau o le galuega. Ma ia ta’ui pea le galuega i le anava a le Fa’alapotopotoga ‘e vivi’i o tatou loto i le Atua’.

“Ou te fa’afetaia le tōfā mamao ma le talitonuga e manuia le fa’amoemoe e ui ina lotolotoi fa’afitauli ma lu’itau i le faigāmalaga. Ua fai i tatou ma molimau o le fa’amoemoe ua taunu’u manuia le galuega a Itu’āiga o Tama’ita’i Sā (S.M.S.M.) i Samoa.

“Ia manuia le fa’amanatuina o le 160 tausaga o le Itu’āiga o Tama’ita’i Sā (S.M.S.M.) i Samoa. Ia apelepelea e le agaga o le Atua le fa’amoemoe.”

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