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29 September 2024
HomePasifikaAdditional Guardian class Patrol Boats for the Pacific

Additional Guardian class Patrol Boats for the Pacific

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Austal has received a $39 million contract from Defence to build two more Guardian class Patrol Boats (GCPB), making a total of 24 boats ordered. These new boats will be delivered in 2026. They will replace damaged patrol boats and provide a second vessel to Kiribati.

Since the first GCPB began service in 2019, at least two boats have been damaged beyond repair. The government has also promised Kiribati an additional boat, bringing the total new boats to three beyond the original 21. One of these replacements was for Samoa’s Nafunua II, which ran aground in 2021, leading to a $15.2 million contract in 2022 for another boat.

In November 2023, Defence delivered a replacement boat, Nafanua III, to Samoa. However, this was not the boat ordered in 2022 but GCPB 18, initially meant for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI).

RMI, the last operator of an old Pacific class vessel, is now expected to receive its first Guardian class vessel in 2025.

The new contract for two additional boats likely includes a replacement for Tuvalu and a second vessel for Kiribati, to be based at Kiritimati Island.

Tuvalu’s patrol boat, HMTSS Te Mataili II, was badly damaged by two cyclones in Vanuatu and is beyond economic repair. Vanuatu’s patrol boat, RVS Takuare, was also damaged by the cyclones but is being repaired in Australia and will return to service.

The status of Fiji’s RFNS Puamau, which ran aground on June 11 during its first patrol, is unclear. It will be inspected once it returns to Australia. If it is beyond economic repair, the total number of Guardian class vessels might increase to 25.

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