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10 March 2025
HomeCitizenshipTulaga ua iai le Pili mo le toe fa'afo'i mai o le...

Tulaga ua iai le Pili mo le toe fa’afo’i mai o le Sitiseni a Sāmoa, ma nai suiga tāua fa’aopopo

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O le pili taufaáofi a le susuga i le faipule ia MP Teanau Tuiono o lo’o finauina ai le toe faáfoi mai o le sitiseni Niu Sila o tagata Samoa, ma o lo’o fa’asolo pea lona iloiloina e le Palemene o Niu Sila. O la tatou sailiga malo tele lea o lo’o feagai ma tatou o Samoa poo fea lava o le lalolagi o lo’o alala ai, ina ia toe faáfo’i mai le sitiseni Niu Sila o tagata Samoa e pei ona fa’amaonia e le fa’amasinoga maualuga i Peretania, le Privy Council, ae sa toe ave’esea e le tulafono o le Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982.

O le tausaga e 2003, sa toe laga ai lenei mataupu e le Mau o le Sitiseni lea sa savalia ai le Palemene e le mamalu o Samoa ma tu’uina atu ai se talosaga (petition) ma sainiga lima e sili atu ma le 90,000. Peita’i, e le’i taulauina i le finagalo o le faigamalo sa iai i lea taimi.

O le tu’uina atu o le sitiseni o se isi atunuu i ni tagata o se isi atunuu sa ia puleaina, o se mea e le’i tupu muamua i le lalolagi e pei ona fa’amaumauina i saunoaga a le Palemene o Niu Sila i le taimi o le faitauga lona lua o le pili taufa’aofi lenei i le Aso Tofi 24 Oketopa 2024. O le fa’afetai tele lea i le Atua ona o se tulaga maoae le mafai ona auaufa’atasi vaega fa’aupufai uma e ono o lo’o i le Palemene o Niu Sila e lagolago le pasia o le pili taufa’aofi a MP Teanau Tuiono i lona faitauga lona lua.

E momoli atu ai le agaga fa’afetai ma le fa’amalo i le mamalu o Samoa o lo’o tula’i e lagolago lenei fa’amoemoe. Fa’afetai atu fo’i ia te outou ua feso’ota’i mai e resitala le lagolago i le Sailiga Malo a Samoa o lo’o fa’asolo nei. O le resitala mai o lou suafa e ala i le tu’uina mai o lau imeli mo a tatou feso’ota’iga, e mafai ai ona e mauaina fa’amaumauga mo le manino o lenei mataupu, ma o le a taliina ai fo’i le tele o fesili o lo’o fia malamalama ai.

  1. O lo’o fa’apipi’i atu le ripoti a le so’o komiti o le Governance & Administration Committee ma fautuaga i le Palemene lea ua pasia.
  2. O lo’o fa’apipi’i atu fa’amaumauga o saunoaga i le Palemene o Niu Sila a vaega fa’aupufai e lagolago ai le pili taufa’aofi a MP Teanau Tuiono i lona faitauga lona lua.
  3. O lo’o fa’apipi’i atu fo’i le ripoti sa tu’u fa’atasia e le Department of Internal Affairs e fautuaina ai le so’o komiti.
  4. E mafai ona maimoa i taualumaga a le Palemene o Niu Sila i le faitauga lona lua o le pili taufa’aofi lenei i le YouTube link HERE.

E tele nisi o vaega e le’i fa’amalieina ai finauga sa tu’uina atu i le iloiloga a le so’o komiti, e aofia ai le le agava’a o fanau (descendants), le leai o se suiga i le 10 tausaga talu ona maua le sitiseni Niu Sila ae fa’atoa agava’a lea mo le penisiona, fa’apea fo’i le totogiina o le tau o le talosaga mo le sitiseni. O lo’o iai fo’i isi vaega e le o i totonu o le pili taufa’aofi lea na ave iai finagalo, e aofia ai le tulaga faigata o lo’o iai visa e malaga mai ai i Niu Sila e asi aiga ma fa’alavelave.

O fa’amatalaga uma ma fa’amaumauga o lo’o tu’uina atu, o lo’o tatala le avanoa e fa’asoa atu ai i aiga ma so’o se Samoa. Ma o lo’o tatala fo’i le avanoa e resitala ai o latou suafa ma imeli ina ia mautinoa lo latou mauaina o lenei feso’ota’iga. E taua tele le resitala mai o suafa ma imeli e mafai ai ona logopuialii lo tatou atunuu i le tatou Sailiga Malo, e le gata i lenei mataupu ae fa’apea fo’i isi mataupu taua.

It is with great pleasure to inform you that the Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Act 2023 has passed the Committee of the Whole House session with one amendment.

The amendment, proposed by Andy Foster, MP for the New Zealand First Party and a member of the Governance & Administration Committee, suggests that applicants who successfully gain citizenship will have their application fee refunded. This means that if you qualify under the bill, apply for citizenship, and are successful, you will receive a refund of your application fee.

MP Teanau Tuiono proposed two additional amendments:

  1. To extend citizenship eligibility to descendants and to those born before January 1, 1962.
  2. To make the application process free of charge.

However, these amendments did not pass as they did not receive majority support in the House, despite backing from Labour and Te Pāti Māori.


DIA Report

Select Committee Report

Update from the Office of MP Teanau Tuiono

Talofa Samoa,

It is with great pleasure to inform you that the Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Act 2023 has passed the Committee of the Whole House session with one amendment. 

The amendment put forward by Andy Foster, MP for New Zealand First Party and committee member of the Governance & Administration Committee; proposed to refund applicants who were successful in their application. Which means, if you are eligible under the Bill to apply for citizenship and you are successful, you will have your application fee refunded. 

Teanau had put up two amendments of his own which were:

  1. To extend the eligibility of the Citizenship to the descendants as well as those who were born before 1 January 1962; and
  2. To allow for the application to be free of charge. 

Unfortunately, Teanau was unsuccesful in getting his amendments agreed to by the majority of the whole House, despite Labour & Te Pāti Māori supporting him.

What’s next:

This is the final stretch. We will be confirming with the House Office the date of the Third Reading which we predict will be in the coming weeks. Similar arrangements that were made for the Second Reading are currently being organised and we will provide further infortmation to you once finalised. 

From Teanau Tuiono and his office as well as the wider team, please accept our sincerest gratitude for your support to get this to where it is. Without your advocacy and collaboration, we would not be able to be where we are now. 

We will be in touch once we have a date confirmed however, if you need – please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Samu Telefoni (he/they/ia) | Tongan | Huinga Hāpori
Māori & Pacific Caucus | Green Party of Aotearoa
2.033 | Parliament House| Wellington 6160 | +6421 862 934

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