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25 January 2025
HomeCitizenshipTolaulauga mulimuli o le Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill i le...

Tolaulauga mulimuli o le Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill i le Aso Lulu 20 Novema

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O ananafi na fesootai mai ai le Ofisa o MP Teanau Tuiono e faáiloa mai ua faámautu le Aso Lulu 20 Novema i le aoauli mo le tolaulauga mulimuli o le Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill mo le pasia e ave ama tulafono. O le talosaga sa tuuina atu i le susuga i le faipule ia MP Teanau Tuiono ia vave ona maua se avanoa i le Palemene mo le tolaulauga mulimuli ona o loo afe moe pea le faigamalaga a nai tuaá matutua ma le maua ai lenei faámanuiaga.

E pei ona silafia, o le Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill, o le pili taufaáofi a MP Teanau Tuiono o loo finauina ai le toe faáfoi mai o le sitiseni Niu Sila o tagata Samoa e pei ona iai le fa’aiuga a le fa’amasinoga maualuga i Peretania le Privy Council ae sa toe ave’eseina e le tulafonoa Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982 Bill. Samoa, o la tatou sailiga malo tele lea o loo feagai ai i le taimi nei poo fea lava o le lalolagi o loo e alala ma papa’aao ai.

Ua sao mai le amo uta ma ona fita (tolaulauga muamua), sao mai le amo tai ma ona luitau (tolaulauga lona lua); a o lea ua fotuai mai le toe aso nai Moamoa (tolaulauga lona tolu). O lea foi ua tau ai o Alae i le teuteuga sa tuuina atu e le NZ First mo le faámama avega i le totogi mo talosaga i le fono usu a le Committee of Whole House i le vaiaso na teá nei. Silasila i le kopi o felafolafoaiga a le Committee of Whole House o loo faápipii atu e silafia ai le maaleale o lenei mataupu. E momoli ai le faáfetai tele i sui o le Palemene o Niu Sila ua lagolagoina lenei mataupu. Ae sili ai le agaga faáfetai i tupu ma tamalii, faletua ma tausi, e oo lava i alo ma fanau sa tofu sao i lenei sailiga malo. E ui ina toaitiiti, ae o le gagao a ato tetele.

O lenei ua amata tapenaga mo le masii atu a le mamalu o le aulagolago ia auai i le Palemene o Niu Sila i le Aso Lulu 20 Novema e molimauina lenei aso o le a faámau i le talafaásolopito o Samoa ma Niu Sila. E le tatau ona o tatou alo tamala i le aso ua atofa e le Palemene o Niu Sila e ui ina utiuti le taimi.

O le resitala mai o lau lagolago ma lau imeli o le a mafai ai ona e mauaina i le imeli o faámatalaga pe a to manu o la tatou sailiga malo ma tatala mai talosaga mo le faáuluina atu. E le gata i lea a o nisi o vaega o loo fia malamalama ai lo tatou atunuu e uiga i lenei mataupu.

O fa’amatalaga uma ma fa’amaumauga o loo tuina atu o loo tatala le avanoa e fa’asoa atu ai i aiga ma soo se Samoa. Ma o loo tatala foi le avanoa e resitala sao mai ai o latou suafa ma imeli ina ia mautinoa lo latou mauaina o lenei fesootaiga.

O loo iai le avanoa e mafai ona auai so se tasi e fia molimauina le tolaulauga mulimuli i le Palemene. Peitai e moomia le resitala mai o lou suafa mo security clearance e mafai ai ona e ulufale i le Palemene i lea aso. Aua neí misi lou avanoa e tatou te malaga ai.

Imeli: [email protected]

Final Reading Set for Samoa Citizenship Restoration Bill

Yesterday, the office of MP Teanau Tuiono informed us that Wednesday, 20th November, in the afternoon, has been confirmed for the final reading of the Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill for its approval and passage into law. The request was made to MP Teanau Tuiono to expedite a spot in Parliament for the final reading due to the hope and anticipation of our elderly relatives who wish to see this benefit granted.

As is well known, the Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill is a proposed bill by MP Teanau Tuiono that seeks to restore New Zealand citizenship to Samoans, as determined by the British Privy Council, but which was later revoked by the Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982. Samoa, this is our journey together, one that affects us no matter where we are in the world or where we call home.

We have overcome the burdens of the first reading, navigated the challenges of the second reading, and now face the final step (the third reading). We also acknowledge NZ First’s amendment to relieve application fees, which was debated in last week’s Committee of the Whole House. Please refer to the Committee’s discussion attached to understand the sensitivity of this issue. We express our profound gratitude to New Zealand’s Parliament members who have supported this matter. Our deepest thanks also go to the chiefs, ladies, elders, and all the children who have contributed to this journey. Although few in number, their impact has been great.

Preparations have now begun for a gathering of supporters who will attend New Zealand’s Parliament on Wednesday, November 20th, to witness this historic day for both Samoa and New Zealand. We encourage all who can attend not to miss this opportunity, despite the short notice.

Registering your support and email address will allow you to receive updates via email as our journey progresses and as application submissions open. Additionally, this will help answer any questions our community may have about this matter.

All provided information and records are open to share with families and all Samoans. There is also an opportunity to register your name and email to ensure you receive further communications.

Anyone wishing to attend the final reading in Parliament may do so. However, registration is required for security clearance to enter Parliament on that day. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this journey with us.

Email: [email protected]


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