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24 February 2025
HomeCitizenshipAvanoa e auai i le Palemene o Niu Sila mo le tolaulauga...

Avanoa e auai i le Palemene o Niu Sila mo le tolaulauga mulimuli o le Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill

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E fa’ailoa atu o loo maua le avanoa e auai atu ai le mamalu o Samoa e molimauina le tolaulauga mulimuli o le pili a le faipule ia MP Teanau Tuiono lea ua taua o le Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill. O lenei fa’amoemoe pe a pasia i le lona tolaulauga lona tolu i le Aso Lulu 20 Novema, o le a avea ai loa ma tulafono e mafai ai ona toe fa’afoi mai le sitiseni Niu Sila o tagata Samoa sa ave’esea e le tulafono a Niu Sila o le 1982. Samoa, o la tatou sailiga malo tele lea o loo feagai ai i le taimi nei poo fea lava o le lalolagi o loo e alala ma papa’aao ai.

POLOKALAME (Tolaulauga lona tolu i le Palemene) Aso Lulu, 20 Novema 2024.

  • (2pm): Amata ulufale le aofia i le Palemene ae moomia le resitala muamua mai o lou suafa mo security clearance.
  • (3pm): Fa’afeiloai Samoa potopoto sosoo ai ma le lotu e talosia ai le fa’amoemoe.
  • (4pm): Amata le tolaulauga lona tolu o le pili taufa’aofi ma saunoaga a le Maota.
  • (6pm): Fa’aafe a le Green Party mo Samoa potopoto o le a auai.
  • (7:30pm): Lulu lima ma fa’atofa.

O loo fa’apipii atu le otootoga o le sailiga malo ua silia ma le lua tausaga o galulue ai le alii faipule ia MP Teanau Tuiono ma le Pacific Leadership Forum i Niu Sila, le Fono Faufautua a Samoa ma le Mafutaga Soofa’atasi Faifeau Samoa i Aukilani. E le itiiti foi le fa’amalo i lo tatou atunuu i vaega eseese o Niu Sila faápea Samoa, Ausetalia, Amerika Samoa, Amerika ma tafa e fia o le lalolagi sa tofu sao i le toe lagaina o le mataupu i le sitiseni o tagata Samoa sa ave’esea e le tulafono a Niu Sila i le 1982.

O le resitala mai o lau lagolago ma lau imeli o le a mafai ai ona e mauaina i le imeli o faámatalaga pe a to manu o la tatou sailiga malo ma tatala mai talosaga mo le faáuluina atu. E le gata i lea a o nisi o vaega o loo fia malamalama ai lo tatou atunuu e uiga i lenei mataupu. O fa’amatalaga uma ma fa’amaumauga o loo tuina atu o loo tatala le avanoa e fa’asoa atu ai i aiga ma soo se Samoa. Ma o loo tatala foi le avanoa e resitala sao mai ai o latou suafa ma imeli ina ia mautinoa lo latou mauaina o lenei fesootaiga.

Samoans invited to witness final reading of Citizenship Restoration Bill in New Zealand Parliament

It is announced that the people of Samoa are invited to witness the final reading of the bill by MP Teanau Tuiono called the Citizenship (Western Samoa) (Restoration) Amendment Bill. If this is passed on its third reading on Wednesday, November 20, it will become law, allowing the restoration of New Zealand citizenship for Samoans who lost it due to New Zealand’s 1982 law. Samoa, this is our major mission we are facing, no matter where in the world you reside.

PROGRAM (Third reading in Parliament) Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

  • (2 pm): Entry begins for attendees at Parliament, and pre-registration of names is required for security clearance.
  • (3 pm): Formal welcome for Samoa’s assembly, followed by a prayer to bless the event.
  • (4 pm): Commencement of the third reading of the amendment bill with statements from the House.
  • (6 pm): Reception by the Green Party for the gathered Samoans in attendance.
  • (7:30 pm): Handshakes and farewells.

An outline is attached of the mission that has been in progress for over two years, led by MP Teanau Tuiono in partnership with the Pacific Leadership Forum in New Zealand, the Samoan Advisory Council, and the Samoan Ministers Fellowship in Auckland. Sincere appreciation also goes to our Samoan communities in various parts of New Zealand, Samoa, Australia, American Samoa, America, and other places around the world who have contributed to supporting the issue of Samoan citizenship restoration after it was revoked by New Zealand’s 1982 law.

By registering your support and email, you will receive updates via email about any developments in our mission and be able to submit applications as the process opens. Additionally, our community is encouraged to understand more about this matter. All information and documents provided are open for sharing with families and Samoans everywhere. The opportunity is also open for individuals to register their names and emails to ensure they receive these communications.

Faitau le fa’asologa a le Sa’iliga Mālo a Sāmoa

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