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24 February 2025
HomeGovernmentAnnouncement from the Leader of the Government: Prime Minister

Announcement from the Leader of the Government: Prime Minister

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As of today, 10 January 2025, the appointment of Hon. Laauli Leuatea Polataivao Fosi, as the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, has been officially terminated.

This decision was not taken lightly, following the public disclosure of allegations involving the Minister. As I mentioned last week, the courts, as the legal authority, are available to any Samoan seeking justice. It is appropriate that this matter continues to follow due legal process.

However, due to the government’s responsibilities, the ministerial appointment had to be addressed. The Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa mandates the proper governance of such appointments by the executive administration. It also sets clear guidelines to maintain integrity and credibility in such roles.

Discussions regarding this matter were held with the Minister this week, and two options were presented to him, as stipulated under Article 33(3)(e)(o) of the Constitution. The options were for him to resign voluntarily from his position or for his appointment to be terminated.

The option to resign from the position was chosen by the Minister in 2017 when charges were initially brought against him while he served as Minister of Agriculture at that time. However, in this instance, he has declined to resign in response to the current allegations.

After carefully considering this matter, I have decided to terminate the appointment of Hon. Laauli Leuatea Polataivao Fosi as the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, in accordance with Article 33(3)(e) of the Constitution. This decision takes effect today, Friday, 10 January 2025.

The laws and policies of the Government will continue to be followed regarding the office and resources associated with the position.

In Samoan

Faasalalauga mai le Taitai o le Malo: Afioga i le Palemia

O le asō, 10 lanuari 2025 ua faamuta aloaia (terminate) ai le tofiga o le afioga ia Laauli Leuatea Polataivao Fosi, o le Minisita o Faatoaga ma Faigafaiva.

E leʻi māma le iloiloina o lenei mataupu talu ona faailoa faalauaʻitele moliaga ua aafia ai le afioga i le Minisita. E pei ona ou faailoa i le vaiaso na teʻa nei, o le Faamasinoga o le malu lea fa’a-le-tulafono, e avanoa mo soʻo se tagata Samoa e saili i ai le amiotonu. O le tulaga talafeagai lea e ao ona faagasolo i ai lenei mataupu.

Peitaʻi, e i ai aafiaga o le Malo, ona o le tofiga fa’aminisita. O loo aiaia i le Faavae o le Malo Tutoatasi o Samoa ala fa’a-le-tulafono e fa’afoe aʻi tofiga taualoa o le Pulega Faatonu. E faapea foi ona faatulaga ai ma aulape mo nei tofiga ina ia faatumauina pea i le amio saʻo (integrity) ma le tauleleia.

Na sa’ausi le laolaoina o lenei mataupu ma le afioga i le Minisita i lenei vaiaso, ma faailoa manino i ai filifiliga e lua mo ia, e pei ona aiaia i le Mataupu 33(3)(e)(o) o le Faavae. O le filifiliga e faamavae mai lona tofiga, atoa ai ma le filifiliga e faamuta lona tofiga.

O le filifiliga e faamavae mai le tofiga, sa filifilia e le afioga i le Minisita ina ua faatulaʻi ni moliaga e faasaga i a te ia i le 2017, a o avea ma Minisita o Faatoaga i lena vaitau. Peitaʻi, ina ua tātā lona finagalo e faamavae mai lona tofiga i le mataupu lenei, na te lē taliaina.

Ma i le iloiloina totoʻa o lenei mataupu, ua taunuu ai i laʻu faaiuga e faamuta le tofiga o le Minisita o Faatoaga ma Faigafaiva e pei ona tauave e le afioga i Laauli Leuatea Polataivao Fosi, e tusa ai ma le Mataupu 33(3)(e) o le Faavae. E afua atu le faamamaluina o lenei faaiuga i le aso, Aso Faraile, 10 lanuari 2025.

E mulimulitaia aiaiga o Tulafono ma Faiga Faavae a le Malo i tulaga o le Ofisa ma meatotina o loo faaaogaina mo le tofiga.

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