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11 February 2025
HomeDemocracy and GovernanceResponse to recent assertions on the Speaker's role and independence

Response to recent assertions on the Speaker’s role and independence

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The Office of the Speaker of Parliament acknowledges the concerns raised in the recent letter to the editor regarding the Speaker’s independence in conducting the business of the House, as published in the Sunday Observer on 9th February 2025. It is imperative to clarify the Speaker’s role and address any misconceptions about my duties and conduct.

As the Speaker of Parliament, I am fully aware of my Constitutional responsibilities and the impartiality required in upholding the integrity of the Legislative process. The assertion that I am unable to conduct the House’s business in an independent and impartial manner is unfounded. My actions and decisions as Speaker are guided solely by the Constitution and Standing Orders of Parliament, ensuring that all Parliamentary proceedings are carried out fairly and transparently.

Regarding the suggestion of electing a new Speaker, it must be reiterated that the re-election of the Speaker is a matter for Parliament in accordance with Clause 49 of the Constitution. It is not dictated by the demands of any political party but by the established Parliamentary procedures. Parliament, in its sitting on 21st January 2025, resolved that the current political situation is not a matter for Parliamentary debate but an issue between Political Parties. Therefore, the role of the Speaker remains independent of party conflicts and is focused solely on upholding Parliamentary democracy.

Additionally, allegations that I was involved in the fundraising events for the FAST Party must be viewed in the appropriate context. As a Member of Parliament, I was elected through my Political Party, and my involvement in party matters prior to assuming the Speakership was within my rights as a Party member. However, upon assuming the role of Speaker, I have remained committed to carrying out my duties with impartiality and fairness. The distinction between my political affiliation and my responsibilities as Speaker is one I have upheld diligently.

The stability of Samoa’s political landscape depends on the integrity of its public institutions, and I assure the people of Samoa that my role as Speaker is conducted with the highest standards of independence and neutrality. The rule of law and democratic principles remain at the forefront of all Parliamentary proceedings, and I will continue to ensure that Parliament operates in a manner that serves the best interests of the nation.

I urge all Parties and Stakeholders to respect the Constitutional processes that govern our democracy and refrain from politicizing the Office of the Speaker for partisan purposes.

Hon. PAPALII Lio Oloipola Taeu Masipau

Tali atu i ni faamatalaga lata mai ua faaalia e faatatau i le matafaioi a le fofoga fetalai ma lona tutoatasi

E amanaia e le Ofisa o le Fofoga Fetalai o le Palemene atugaluga ua laga i le tusi lata mai nei i le nusipepa e tusa ai ma le tutoatasi o le Fofoga Fetalai i le faatautaiga o galuega a le Maota, e pei ona lomia i le Observer o le Aso Sa le aso 9 Fepuari 2025. E taua le faamalamalaina o matafaioi a le Fofoga Fetalai ma faamalamalama ni tulaga e le o manino ai e tusa ma ou tiute ma galuega.

E talu ai o au o le Fofoga Fetalai o le Palemene, ua matua ou malamalama atoa i au matafaioi tau i le Faavae ma le moomia o le le faaituau i le faatumauina o le tulaga faatuatuaina o le faagasologa o galuega a le Fono Faitulafono. O le manatu e faapea ua ou le gafatia ona faafoe galuega a le Maota i se tulaga e tutoatasi ma le faaituau e le faavae. O le faatinoga o le galuega ma faaiuga fai e tusa ai ma lou tulaga o le Fofoga Fetalai o loo taialaina e le Faavae ma Tulafono Tumau a le Palemene, ina ia faamautinoa ai o taualumaga uma a le Palemene o loo faatinoina i le amitonu ma pulega manino.

E tusa ai ma le manatu e filifilia se isi Fofoga Fetalai, e tatau ona toe faamanino e faapea o le toe filifilia o le Fofoga Fetalai o le mataupu lea mo le Palemene e tusa ai ma le Fuiuaiga 49 o le Faavae. E le faatonuina e se manaoga o soo se vaega faaupufai, aua na o faasologa faa Palemene taua faavaeina. O le tauaofiaga a le Palemene i le aso 21 o Ianuari 2025 sa faaiugafonoina ai e faapea o le tulaga i upufai o Malo o loo i ai ua le o se mataupu lea e faia ai se felafolafoaiga a le Palemene peitai, ua o se faafitauli i le va o se vaega faaupufai. O lona uiga, o le matafaioi a le Fofoga Fetalai e tumau lava lona tutoatasi mai feseseesega o vaega faaupufai ma e taulai tonu lava i le faatumauina o le faatemokarasi a le Palemene.

E fia faaopoopo atu, o tuuaiga sa ou aafia i suega tupe a le vaega faaupufai a le FAST, e ao lava ona tagai i ai i le tulaga talafeagai. O le avea o au ma sui faipule, sa filifilia au nei e le atunuu i lalo o vaega faaupufai, ma o lo’u aafia ai i mataupu tau vaega faaupufai ae ou te lei tauaavaina le nofoa o le Fofoga Fetalai, sa faia lea i luga o au aia tatau tau sui o le vaega. Peitai ina ua ou seei i le tofiga o le Fofoga Fetalai, o loo ou tumau i le faatumauina o le faaituau i le faatinoina ma le faamaoni. O le eseesega i la’u lagolago mo le vaega faaupufai ma le tauaveina o ou tiute o le Fofoga Fetalai o se mea ua ou tausia ma le tinou.

O le sologa lelei ma mautu o upufai o Samoa e faamoemoe i le faatuatuaina o ona ofisa e auauna i tagata lautele, ma ou te tautino atu i tagatanuu o Samoa o le faatinoina o lau matafaioi o le Fofoga Fetalai o loo faia i le tulaga maualuga o le tutoatasi ma le faaituau.

O le Tulafono ma faiga faavae faatemokarasi o loo taulamua i taualumaga faa Palememe, ma o le a ou tumau i le faamautinoaina o le sologa lelei o le Palemene i le tulaga o le a tautua ai mo ona tagata i le tulaga e sili ona moomia. Ou te fautuaina vaega faaupufai ma paaga uma ina ia amanaia le faagasologa o le Faavae o loo puleaina ai tatou faatemokarasi ma taumamao ma le tauleagaina o le Ofisa o le Fofoga Fetalai i le faapolokiki mo faamoemoega mo se vaega e tasi.

Hon. PAPALII Lio Oloipola Taeu Masipau

P.O. Box: 1866, APIA, SAMOA – T: Office: (685) 31002 / 24372 – M: (685) 7727832
Email: [email protected] W: www.palemec.ws

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