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27 March 2025
HomeEnvironmentMPAC confirms removal of precautionary zone in Safata near sunken HMNZS Manawanui

MPAC confirms removal of precautionary zone in Safata near sunken HMNZS Manawanui

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Precautionary Zone Lifted in Safata District

The Marine Pollution Advisory Committee (MPAC) has officially lifted the Precautionary Zone in the Safata District following confirmation from the Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS) that seawater and marine life in the area are clear and uncontaminated.

The precautionary zone, which had been in place since October 2024, was initially established to restrict fishing activities in the region until scientific testing confirmed the safety of the waters. The SROS findings were presented to MPAC yesterday, allowing for the full removal of the advisory restrictions.

Prohibited Zone Remains in Effect

Despite this positive development, the Prohibited Zone—a 2-kilometer radius around the sunken HMNZS Manawanui—remains in effect as fuel removal operations continue.

Authorities stress that this restricted area, marked in red, is strictly off-limits to unauthorized individuals, boats, and aircraft, including drones.

MPAC, in collaboration with the New Zealand Government and specialized contractors, is continuing efforts to safely extract fuel from the vessel to prevent environmental contamination.

The Ministry has expressed its sincere appreciation to the leaders and representatives of the Safata District for their continued support of the government’s environmental protection initiatives.

I le Gagana Samoa:

SONE PUIPUIA (Precautionary zone)
Talu ai ona ua fa’amautuina i fa’ai’uga o su’esu’ega a le Faalapotopoga o Suesuega Faasaienisi a Samoa (SROS), ua tonu ai le Komiti (Marine Pollution Advisory Committee) e ave’ese atoa le Sone Puipuia (Precautionary Zone).

O lenei sone puipuia sa fa’atinoina ina ia fautuaina ai le ’aua ne’i toe fagotaina so’o se vaega o le ogasami i le Itumalo o Safata [fa’asinoina atu e le laina lanu pa’epa’e], se’ia mae’a su’esu’ega fa’asaienisi o lo’o ua kilia ma lē fa’atama’ia le suasami fa’apea i’a ma figota i lenei vaega o le ogasami.

O se tala fiafia lenei sa tuuina mai e le SROS i le aso ananafi, Aso Lua 11 Fepuari, ma ua fa’amaonia ai nei le ave’eseina o le sone puipuia lenei sa fa’atinoina talu mai le masina o Oketopa 2024.

SONE TAPU ONA TOE UIA (Prohibited zone)

Peita’i, o lo’o tumau pea le Sone Tapu (Prohibited Zone) – 2 kilomita fa’ataamilo mai le nofoaga olo’o ta’oto ai le HMNZS Manawanui – a’o fa’aauau pea galuega mo le aveeseina o le suau’u.

E fa’amanatu atu, e matua’i fa’asaina ona toe uia e so’o se tagata, va’a pe fa’apea so’o se ituaiga vaalele (drone) lenei vaega o le ogasami [fa’ailogaina atu le sone tapu i le lanu mūmū].

I le taimi lenei, o loo fa’aauau pea le faatinoina o galuega a le Komiti fa’apea Konekarate o loo galulue fa’atasi ai ma le Malō o Niu Sila, o i latou ua iai tomai fa’apitoa i le aveeseina o le suau’u mai le Manawanui.

Faafetai tele i le mamalu o Alii ma Faipule o le Itumalo o Safata mo le lagolagosua i galuega fa’aauau pea a le tatou Malo e ala atu i lenei Matagaluega.

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