In the biblical accounts, the Pharisees tried endlessly to destroy Jesus, not because He had done anything wrong, but because His righteousness exposed their hypocrisy. Their positions of power and influence were threatened, and their response was not self-reflection or reform; rather, it was a determined effort to silence Him.
A similar pattern seems to be unfolding in Samoa’s political landscape. The actions of Laauli Leuatea Polataivao Schmidt, his case with the police, and his ongoing efforts to remove Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataʻafa from her position expose a deep-rooted problem. When he could not get his way, he turned his followers against Fiame; just as the Pharisees stirred up the people against Jesus. What is her crime? Siding with the laws of Samoa.
In Parliament, two of Laauli’s followers launched verbal attacks against the Prime Minister; attacks that had no basis other than an effort to discredit her. Outside of Parliament, FAST supporters, who once praised Fiame for giving credibility to their new party and helping to remove the old HRPP government, have now turned against her. Their sudden shift in loyalty is not based on any wrongdoing on Fiame’s part; rather, it stems from their leader’s bitterness and failure to impose his will. This is the very essence of hypocrisy – to claim to uphold principles while acting in direct contradiction to them.
Gone are the days when such people should have any say in the direction of Samoa; their actions have revealed the ugly truth behind their ambitions; the desire for power at any cost. The name of the Lord has been dragged into politics as a shield for personal agendas, making a mockery of faith itself. No party should invoke God’s name while pursuing self-serving objectives that have nothing to do with the well-being of the people.
If we look at Fiame, we see a leader whose only interest is in serving Samoa and her people. Unlike others, she has no business empire or personal investments that could influence her decisions. If she was once used to elevate FAST to power, perhaps the time has come for her to be part of something greater; something that genuinely serves all of Samoa. The nation deserves a political movement that stands for the collective good; not for a few benefactors and their ambitions.
The current crisis is a wake-up call. Samoa needs leadership that is honest, accountable and committed to the rule of law. Perhaps it is time for a new political party; one that does not use faith as a tool for manipulation but instead upholds integrity, fairness, and service to all.