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1 April 2025
HomeCommunityOpening of the new primary school building for Samatau Village in Falelatai

Opening of the new primary school building for Samatau Village in Falelatai

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Today, the village of Samatau in Falelatai celebrated the opening of their new primary school building, made possible through substantial contributions from the Japanese government, as well as support from the village and Samatau community members abroad and within Samoa.

The total cost of the project reached $823,914.78. According to Niu Leiātaua Umu Leiātaua, $360,000 was funded by the Japanese government, while the village raised $374,176.80 through various efforts. Upon completion, there is a remaining balance of $8,571.74 with no outstanding debts on the new school building.

The school includes eight classrooms, a library, a staff room, and an office for the principal.

The building was constructed to meet the government’s safety standards for schools, ensuring a secure and protective environment for students.

The Head of State of Samoa attends the opening ceremony of the new primary school building for Samatau Village in Falelatai, alongside community leaders and officials. Photo: Vaitogi Asuisui Matafeo | Taunuuga Toatasi / Government of Samoa

In his keynote address, the Minister of Education, Seu’ula Ioane Tuā’au, expressed the government’s deep gratitude for the community’s dedication in making this needed project a reality for the educational future of Samatau’s children. He noted,

“We are here to witness the fulfillment of our community’s prayers to God. The goal of this development is to build a solid foundation for a brighter future for Samoa, strengthening the village, fostering unity, and supporting economic growth.”

The Minister also extended thanks to Samoa’s Head of State, Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aletoa Sualauvi II, and his wife for their guidance in initiatives that benefit children’s futures. Appreciation was also given to the village representative and committee members for their efforts and sacrifices in raising the funds needed to complete the project.

Members of the Samatau village community in Falelatai participate in a heartfelt prayer and song during the opening ceremony of their new primary school building. Photo: Vaitogi Asuisui Matafeo | Taunuuga Toatasi / Government of Samoa

“Thank you for your service, patience, and love for our children studying at Samatau Primary School. Our gratitude also goes to the government of Japan for their continuous support to Samoa’s development.

“I ask parents to prioritize their children’s education. Times have changed, and the temptation for children to skip school is now more prevalent, with parents often putting priority on less important things. Parents and community, these children represent the future of families, villages, and churches.”

An aerial view of the new primary school building in Samatau, Falelatai. Photos: Vaitogi Asuisui Matafeo | Taunuuga Toatasi / Government of Samoa

The Japanese Ambassador to Samoa, Keisuke Senta, expressed his appreciation for the importance of this project, sharing that it marks the final project of his term in Samoa for the year 2024.

He advised the students, “Commit yourselves to schoolwork and obey your teachers and parents.”

The ribbon-cutting to officially open the school was conducted by the CEO of the Ministry of Education, A’e’au Chris Hazelman, and the ceremony was blessed by Pastor Lemalu Livigisitone Toelupe, who led a church service to dedicate and bless the new school building.

The article was originally published in Samoan on the Savali Newspaper Facebook page and translated into English by SNH Editorial Staff.

Tusiaina i le Gagana Samoa – Taunuuga Toatasi

Umusāina le Faleā’oga Fou a le Ā’oga Tulagalua a le Afio’aga o Samatau i Falelātai
Tusia: Taunuuga Toatasi

O le asō sa patipatia ai e le afio’aga o Samatau i Falelātai, le umusāina o lo latou faleā’oga fou. O le Mālō o Iāpani aemaise o le sao o le afio’aga atoa fa’apea lupe fa’alele a le nu’u i atunu’u mamao ma Samoa nei, sa galulue malosi e togi sao auā lenei galuega tele ina ia tino mai ina ia malu ai fanau lalovaoa o le ā a’oa’oina ai.

O le tau atoa o le galuega e $823,914.78. O le fa’atupega o le galuega e pei ona fofogaina e le Afioga iā Niu Leiātaua Umu Leiātaua, e $360,000 le seleni sa tu’uina atu e le Mālō o Iāpani, ae $374,176.80 le seleni sa sa’ili lava e le afio’aga i ona vaega ‘ese’ese. E mae’a le galuega, o le tupe o lo’o totoe e $8,571.74, ma e leai se aitalafu o lea faleā’oga fou. Mo le silafia, o lea faleā’oga e 8 potu ā’oga, o le potu tusi, potu mo faiā’oga ma le potu mo le Puleā’oga.

O le fausia o lea faleā’oga, o lo’o mulimulita’i i aiaiga a le Mālō mo fausaga o so’o se faleā’oga, ina ia mautinoa e saogālēmū ma malutia fanau ā’oga pe ā fa’aāogaina ia fale.

I le saunoaga autū a le Afioga i le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o Ā’oga ma Aganu’u iā Seu’ula Ioane Tuā’au, sa ia momoli ai le fa’afetai fa’apitoa a le Mālō i le soifua finafinau o le afio’aga ua afua ai ona tino mai lenei galuega tele, auā le soifua a’oa’oina o fanau o le nu’u.

“Ua tatou omai fa’atasi se’i molimauina le tatalo a le tatou nu’u sa tu’u i le Atua.
“O le sini autū o le atina’e mo le lumana’i manuia o Samoa, “Ia fa’aāgava’aina alalafaga, fa’amausalī le lotoifale, ma fa’ama’ite le fa’atupula’ia o le tamāo’āiga.
“O lea ua mausalī le lotoifale o le tatou alalafaga nei e ala i lona faleā’oga fou. O le fa’amoemoe ia fa’aagava’aina tupulaga lalovaoa o le tatou nu’u, ina ia mafai ona atia’e Samatau ma fa’atupula’ia lona tamāo’āiga mo ā taeao ma le lumana’i.”

Sa momoli le fa’afetai a le Afioga i le Minisitā i le tapuā’iga malu a Lana Afioga i le Ao Mamalu o le Mālō iā Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aletoa Suālauvī II ma Lana Masiofo, aemaise o le silasila mamao i galuega e manuia ai fanau mo le lumana’i.

Na momoli fo’i le fa’afetai i le Afioga i le Faipule aemaise o le Komiti i lo latou sao aemaise o fītā sa feagai ma i latou i le tau sā’ilia o auala e maua ai seleni e fa’atino ai le galuega.

“Fa’afetai tautua, mālō onosa’i, fa’afetai alofa i tatou fanau o lo’o a’oa’oina i totonu o le Ā’oga Tulagalua a Samatau.
“Fa’afetai fo’i i le Mālō o Iāpani, ona o le tu’u mai pea o lo latou tau’au fesoasonai iā Samoa ma lona atina’e.
“O le talosaga ia solomua i mātua le una’i o fanau i ā’oga. Ua ‘ese nei aso, ua tele ina fai i le lagona augatā ma fa’aosoosoga leaga, le lē toe ō o tamaiti i ā’oga, ma ua fa’avaivai ai ma mātua ma ‘ave ai le fa’amuamua i mea e leai se āoga. Mātua ma le tatou nu’u, o fanau o le lumana’i lea o ‘āiga, nu’u ma ekalesia.
“Tamaiti ‘aua ne’i tusitusia le tatou faleā’oga, ae ia va’ai lelei ina ia umi lona āoga.”

Peita’i i le saunoaga a le Amapasa a Iāpani i Samoa nei, iā Keisuke Senta, sa ia saunoa ai i le tāua tele o lenei atina’e.

“E tāua tele le aso lenei iā te a’u, ona o le galuega lenei, e mae’a ai galuega o lo’u taimi sa ou galue ai i lo’u tofiga.
“O le galuega mulimuli fo’i lenei o le tausaga 2024, ma e lagona le fa’afetai ona o lea ua fetaui lelei le galuega lenei, ma le mae’a o lo’u taimi i le tofiga sa tofia ai a’u e lo’u atunu’u.
“Ae mo fanau ā’oga, ia outou to’a’aga i le ā’oga ma ia fai ā outou meaā’oga. Ia outou usita’i i tou faiā’oga aemaise o outou mātua.”

O le Afioga i le Ofisa Sili o Pulega o le Matāgaluega o Ā’oga ma Aganu’u iā A’e’au Chris Hazelman sa ia ‘o’otiina le lipine e tatala aloā’ia ai lea faleā’oga, a’o le Susuga i le Fa’afeagaiga iā Pastor Lemalu Livigisitone Toelupe sa ia ta’ita’ia le sauniga lotu e fa’apa’ia ma fa’amanuia ai i lenei galuega tele ua tino mai.

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