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26 February 2025
HomeAgricultureResponse to claims raised in American Samoa

Response to claims raised in American Samoa

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It has come to our attention that there have been claims raised in American Samoa concerning discussions between the American Samoa Department of Agriculture and our Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF). We wish to address these claims promptly and transparently.

During the recent Atoa o Samoa discussions, representatives from both the Samoa and American Samoa Agriculture and Fisheries sectors engaged in constructive dialogue aimed at enhancing collaboration and addressing mutual priorities, particularly in the realm of food security.

In response to the immediate needs of American Samoa, Samoa has taken proactive measures. We have provided 600 giant clams along with pertinent training to support food security initiatives.

Additionally, we have offered tilapia to be supplied to American Samoa upon their readiness to receive them.

Furthermore, to bolster animal production in American Samoa, Samoa has generously offered 5 cattle and 5 sheep. These animals are currently being nurtured at the Vaea compound, awaiting collection by the American Samoa Department of Agriculture. Regarding the animal farm at Togitogiga that is operated by MAF, there have been no formal agreements, including any lease arrangements made with Am. Samoa.

Looking ahead, MAF is committed to advancing the genetics of our cattle industry. Plans are underway for the importation of bull semen for artificial insemination, scheduled to commence in the coming months. Additionally, discussions with the cattle industry in Australia are progressing, with the intention of importing young cattle to enhance our breeding stock. We have extended an invitation for American Samoa to partake in these discussions and explore the possibility of joint cattle imports via sea transport.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the American Samoa department of Marine and Wildlife Resources, and the American Samoa Department of Agriculture for our close collaboration.

Your partnership is instrumental in driving the sustainable development of agriculture and fisheries in our region.

In closing, I extend my appreciation to all involved parties for your unwavering support towards the advancement of agriculture and fisheries in Samoa. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Dr Seuseu Tauati
Chief Executive Officer
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Orignally published on Government of Samoa Facebook


Tali atu i le Mataupu ua Laga i Amerika Samoa

Ua o’o mai i le Matāgaluega le matāupu e pei ona taua i luga e uiga i fa’atalatalanoaga i le va o le Matāgaluega o Fa’atoaga a Amerika Samoa ma le Matāgaluega o Fa’atoaga ma Faigafaiva a Samoa. O le auiliili’ina manino la lenei o le matāupu.

E tusa ai ma le fonotaga a Atoa o Samoa, sa talanoaina ai ma fefa’asoaai Matāgaluega o Fa’atoaga ma Faigafaiva a atunu’u e lua, i auala ma fuafuaga e unaia ai le galulue fa’atasi i matāupu tau fa’atoaga ma faigafaiva o loo i ai le fa’amuamua a atunu’u e lua, fa’apea le fa’ateleina o taumafa.

O le fesoasoani a Samoa i le auina atu o le 600 faisua i Amerika Samoa fa’apea le fa’atauta’ia o aoaoga mo le aufaigaluega i le fa’afaileleina ma le tausia lelei o faisua. O lo’o ua i ai fo’i tilapia o le a fa’apea ona auina atu i Amerika Samoa pe a ma’ea ona tāpena a latou nofoaga mo lea atina’e.

I le fa’aopoopoga o le fesoasoani mo Amerika Samoa, o le a auina atu le 5 manupapalagi ma le 5 mamoe i se aso o lumanai. O le taimi nei o lo’o tausia lea lafu i le lotoā i Vaea se’ia mautū mai tāpenaga a Amerika Samoa.

I le tulaga e fa’atatau i le fa’aaogaina e Amerika Samoa o le fanua i Togitogiga o lo’o i lalo o le va’aiga a le MAF, e lei i ai se sainigalima po’o se feagaiga na fa’amautuina mo se lisi.

O le va’ai mamao a le MAF i le taimi nei, o le fa’ateleina ma le fa’aleleia lea o le tulaga o lafumanu i Samoa. Ua i ai fuafuaga mo le auina mai o sua ola (semen) o ta’anoa mai fafo e fa’aaoga ai metotia fa’aneionapo e feusuai ma ia fa’ateleina ai le lafu. O lo’o i ai foi le fa’amoemoega mo le auina mai o manupapalagi mai Ausetalia ina ia unaia ai le ola lelei o a tatou manupapalagi. Na fa’asoa ia fuafuaga tāua ia Amerika Samoa ina ia mafai ona tatou tau fai manuia ma fai pa’aga ai o le auina mai o manupapalagi mai fafo.

E momoli le agaga o le fa’afetai i Matāgaluega o Fa’atoaga, Faigafaiva ma le Ola Fa’alenatura a Amerika Samoa mo le sagisagi mai tatou te galuluega fa’apaaga, aua le unaia o atina’e tau fa’atoaga ma faigafaiva mo le tatou itulagi.

E muliai se fa’afetai tele i a tatou pa’aga uma o lo’o tatou galulue so’oso’otauau mo le atina’eina o itu tau fa’atoaga ma faigafaiva i Samoa. Mo nisi fa’afesili, fa’afesootai mai le Ofisa Sili o Pulega.

Dr Seuseu Tauati
Ofisa Sili o Pulega
Matagaluega o Fa’atoaga ma Faigafaiva

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