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26 March 2025
HomeElectoral CommissionNot many have registered online for the election

Not many have registered online for the election

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The Commissioner of the Electoral Commission, Tuiafelolo Alaxander John Stanley, clarified in a meeting with Samoa Newshub this week that most people have chosen to register in person at the Electoral Office or designated registration centers, rather than using the online registration platform.

According to records from the Commission, from May 8 of last year up to now, only 1,086 people have used the online service.

“This is the number of Samoa’s citizens who have registered through our online platform.

There are two from the Eastern Islands (American Samoa), one from Fiji, thirty-four from New Zealand, nine from Australia, four from the United States, two from the Philippines, one from Japan, and the rest are residing here in Samoa,” said Tuiafelolo.

Out of that number, 529 have fully completed their registration. 557 are pending further documentation required by the Office.

There are three whose records haven’t yet been reviewed by the Office, 194 have incomplete data, and 360 still need to submit their fingerprints.

This week, the registration process is being completed for residents of Safata, Lefaga, and Faleaseela, and will then move on to Faletai and Samatau.

In addition to registrations, the Office is also working on other tasks.

“At present, we are recruiting 2,000 polling officials to add to our workforce to run next year’s election, which will involve 400 polling stations.

For Samoans living overseas, the Consulates and Embassies of Samoa have been designated as voting centers for next year’s election.

Training will also be provided for both candidates and voters, to ensure everyone understands the importance of this national decision-making process to choose the country’s leaders.”

Eligible voters are being strongly urged to register and ensure they vote in the 2026 election.

Failing to vote carries a $100 fine, while failing to register incurs a $2,000 fine.

To register online or check your status, visit the Electoral Commission’s official registration portal: https://eis.oec.gov.ws/

Gagana Samoa ***

E le toatele nisi ua resitala mo le faigapalota, i luga o le upegatafailagi

Ua faamanino e le afioga i le Komesina o le Komisi o Faigapalota ia Tuiafelolo Alaxander John Stanley i le feiloaiga ma le Samoa Newshub i le vaiaso nei, le sili atu ona toatele o tagata o le atunuu ua agai atu i le Ofisa o Faigapalota ma nofoaga o loo faia ai resitala, nai lo o le faaaogaina o luga o upegatafailagi poo le online registration.

O le faamaumauga a le Komisi mai le Aso 8 o le masina o Me o le tausaga ua tuanai seia oo mai i le tausaga nei, e na o le 1086 i latou ua mafai ona faaaogaina lea auaunaga.

“O le mamalu lenei o Samoa ua mafai ona resitala mai i luga o le tatou fola i le initaneti.

E toalua mai le Motu i Sasa’e (Amerika Samoa), toatasi mai Fiti, toasefulufa mai Niu Sila, toaiva mai Ausetalia, toafa mai Amerika, toalua mai Filipaina, toatasi mai Iapani, ma le isi vaega o loo aumau i Samoa nei,” o le saunoaga lea a Tuiafelolo.

I le fuanimuera lena, e toa 529 i latou ua faamalieina vaega uma o le resitala. E toa 557 tagata ua faailoa o loo iai nisi o vaega o loo manaomia e le Ofisa, e tatau ona tuuina atu.

E toatolu e lei oo iai iloiloga a le Ofisa, ae toa 194 e le o atoa atu faamaumauga o loo moomia, ma le toe 360 e toe lava o le faamauina o latou tamatamailima (fingerprint).

O le vaiaso nei o loo faamaeaina ai le resitalaina o tagata o loo alala i itumalo o Safata, Lefaga ma Faleaseela, ona faasolo atu ai lea i Falelatai ma Samatau.

E ese mai i le faatinoina o le resitala, o loo iai foi isi auaunaga a le ofisa o loo faasolo.

“O le taimi nei ua amata sailia tagata faipalota e 2,000, e faaopopo i le aofai o le aufaigaluega, e faatamoe le tatou faigapalota i le tausaga fou, ma o le a galulue i fale palota e 400.

O tagata o loo aumau i atunuu mamao, ua faatulaga ofisa o Konesula ma Amepasa a Samoa i fafo, e agai iai mo le faatinoina o le palota i le tausaga fou.

O le a faatino foi aoaoga mo i latou e tauva i le palota faatasi ai ma tagata palota uma, ina ia manino i le taua o lea laasaga o faiga filifiliga a le atunuu mo ona taitai.”

Ua unai malosi i latou ua agavaa e palota ina ia resitala ma mautinoa e palota i le 2026.

Aua e 100 tala le sala tupe pe a le palota, ae 2,000 tala pe a le resitala.

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