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3 July 2024
HomeNewsFishingA sea of akule at Leone, Tutuila, Samoa

A sea of akule at Leone, Tutuila, Samoa

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In an extraordinary display of nature meeting tradition, the village of Leone in American Samoa was the stage for a rare phenomenon. On September 5, 2023, thousands of Akule, also known as big-eye scad, swarmed the local coastline, much to the astonishment and delight of community members. Captured on video by resident Josie TuiSamoa, the spectacle quickly became a focal point of local conversations and online discussions.

As the sun hovered over the idyllic setting, Leone’s residents lined the shore with launiu (coconut palm leaves) and coolers. The atmosphere was buzzing with a mix of awe and excitement. “It’s like something out of a storybook, a testament to the wonders of nature and our connection to it,” said one local villager, encapsulating the sentiment of many gathered at the scene.

The Akule is no stranger to the waters of American Samoa or to the plates of its people. Considered a staple in the local diet, Akule is also an integral part of cultural traditions. Villagers often employ both modern and traditional fishing techniques, making this event a harmonic convergence of old and new. But never before has such a large school of Akule ventured so close to the shores of Leone, sparking both joy and questions among residents and researchers alike.

Marine biologists are intrigued by the event, suggesting that a variety of factors—ranging from seasonal migrations and water temperatures to potential changes in predator behaviour—could explain the unusual gathering. “It’s an incredible sight, but also a reminder that we need to focus on sustainable fishing to ensure such species continue to be part of our marine ecosystems,” noted a local ecologist.

Beyond the immediate thrill lies a broader context. The event, now captured for posterity, could have various implications. From potentially boosting local tourism to inspiring discussions around marine conservation, the ‘Akule spectacle’ has planted itself firmly in the public consciousness.

As the sun set on this memorable day, the village of Leone returned to its tranquil state, albeit with an enriched sense of community and an invigorated discussion about the delicate balance of nature. The sea had offered a gift, a spectacle, and a lesson, all rolled into one; and the people of Leone, were left to ponder the awe-inspiring intricacies of the world they inhabit.

View the remarkable footage below.

Sea of Akule, Leone, Tutuila
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