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28 February 2025
HomeNewsSamoaThe Government thanks Seiuli Paul James Wallwork for his service

The Government thanks Seiuli Paul James Wallwork for his service

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In celebrating one of the nation’s pillars, who have demonstrated excellence in the fields of education and sports, the Prime Minister extended gratitude, intertwining hope that other greatness can follow suit, “soso’o le fau ma le fau.”

On Friday, was the final ceremony for Seiuli Paul James Wallwork, marking the culmination of years dedicated to nurturing the lives of youth who passed through Laumua in Avele in previous years.

Seiuli Paul Wallwork was born on January 15, 1942. He suffered a broken neck while playing rugby in New Zealand as a youth, which led him to start weightlifting to strengthen his leg and arm muscles due to the paralysis caused by the injury. He represented Samoa in the 1966, 1969, and 1971 South Pacific Games, winning a gold medal in each.

His life of service and dedication was evidenced by the presence of Government officials, the Head of State of Samoa and his Masiofo, Members of Parliament and Cabinet Ministers, the leader of the opposition party, the Chief Justice and representatives from the Courts, the Avele old boys and girls association, friends, and family, who gathered to witness his final day.

In the government’s tribute, Honourable Fiame Naomi Mata’afa stated, “A warrior who aimed to stand firm in honour of his nation, recognised globally. He dedicated his entire life for a significant purpose, accomplishing much in our society, thus, profoundly missed by us, this precious Warrior.”

His wife, Su’a Julia Wallwork, was also thanked for her steadfast support of Seiuli’s service.

Her gratitude was expressed through Su’a’s graceful acknowledgment of the Government’s presence, as well as through the heartfelt testimony given by Honorable Fiame.

His remaining services was held at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Lalovaea.

Fa’aliliuina mai i le tala na tusia i le Gagana Samoa

Fa’afetaia e le Mālo le tautua a Seiuli Paul James Wallwork

I le fa’ia ai o se tasi o Poutu Toa o le atunu’u ua iloga lona sao i le itu tau a’oa’oga ma ta’aloga, ua tatalo ai le Tama’itai Palemia, talosia ia soso’o le fau ma le fau.

O le Aso Faraile na faia ai toe sauniga o le Tamali’i ia Seiuli Paul James Wallwork, o lē ua loa tausaga o ofoina le soifua e atina’e ai le soifua a’oa’oina o tupulaga na utuvai i le Laumua i Avele i tausaga ua alu.

O ia fo’i o le na mauaina le ulua’i pine auro mo Samoa i ta’aloga o Mālo o le Taupulega.

O lona soifua galue, e le’i tu’uina i lalo e le Mālo, na fa’aalia ina ua auai le Ao o le Mālo ma le masiofo, Sui o le Fono a Sui Tōfia, Palemia ma le Kapeneta, Fofoga Fetalai, Ta’ita’i o le Ītu Agai, Faamasino Sili ma le Ītu a le Fa’amasinoga, Fānau A’oga ma Sui o le Asosi o Tama ma Teine Tuai o Avele, o uo ma aumea mamae, e molimauina lona toe aso.

I le molimau a le Mālo, na saunoa ai le Afioga Fiame Naomi Mata’afa,

“O se Toa e mana’o e tu matila le tagavai a lona atunu’u, i fa’alagamaea a le lalolagi. Na ofo atoa lona soifua mo se mafua’aga fa’apitoa, ua faia mea tetele i lo tatou atunu’u, o lea, ua matua’i misia e le Mālo le nei Toa Manumanu.”

Na fa’afetaia fo’i le lagolagosua a si ona faletua ia Su’a Julia Wallwork i le tautua a Seiuli.

I loifofoga, na talifuaitau ai le faletua ia Su’a i le amanaia a le Mālo e ala i le auai atu, aemaise o le molimau matagofie.

O ona toe sauniga na fa’atautaia i le Malumalu o le Ekalesia Aso Fitu o le Toe Afio Mai i Lalovaea.

Ata: Government of Samoa

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