In the spirit of communal support and generosity, the women’s groups of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Vaimauga and Anoamaa zones, led by Taupaolo Hurrell, made a donation to Goshen Trust.
The donation event saw the participation of eight women’s groups from the zones involved, including four pastor’s and their wives. The groups have been instrumental in organising the collection and delivery of the donations.
The contributions to Goshen Trust included a variety of essential items aimed at improving the daily lives of the recipients. Among the donated goods were rice, boxes of canned meat, milk, biscuits, soap, powder, cooking oil, and bags of taro and bananas.
Additionally, clothes specifically shipped from Australia were part of the generous donation, with the total value of the contributions estimated at approximately $10,000.

This initiative is rooted in the core values of love and service, as highlighted by Pastor Orion Savea, drawing inspiration from 1 Corinthians 13:1.
It reflects the broader mission of the women of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Samoa Mission, showing love through action.
According to the leader of the donating group and a pastor’s wife, Taupalo Hurrell said their donation was to promote healthy living and spread the good news of the gospel.
“Seventh Day Adventist church believes that the right hand of the gospel is health. People cannot worship God with all their hearts if they are sick. Therefore, we just want to reach out and show kindness to those who are in need of help, especially the patients at the hospital,” she said.
“This is another way to reflect God’s love to others. It is through our actions that people will believe that no matter what they are facing; God is still with them and will fight,” Taupalo Hurrell.
The Goshen Trust, which works closely with the Ministry of Health’s Mental Health Unit to assist individuals in their reintegration into the community, will greatly benefit from the donation.
Such support not only aids in the practical needs of those at Goshen Trust but also sends a strong message of community solidarity and compassion.
Accompanying the Toreka was the President of Samoa Tokelau Mission of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Pastor Sione Ausage and wife, the STM secretary, Pastor Neru Nuuialii and wife, Pastor Orion Savea and wife, as well as Pastor Mose and wife.
The huge donation was presented yesterday.
Fa’aliliuina i le gagana Samoa
Na fa’alia lo latou agalelei ma le lagolago i fanau mafatia fa’alemafaufau o le atunu’u, i se latou foa’i mo le Goshen Trust, tinā o le Ekalesia Aso Fitu o le Toe Afio Mai i sone o Vaimauga ma Anoamaa, na ta’ita’ia lea e Taupaolo Hurrell.
E valu vaega eseese o tinā ma tama’ita’i o le sone i le fa’alapotopotoga o tama’ita’i ma tinā na auai, fa’apea ai ma fa’afeagaiga e to’afa ma o latou faletua, i le taua’a’oina o le foa’i.
O meaalofa na taua’ao atu i le Goshen Trust e aofia ai araisa, pusa o aano o manufasi, susu, masi, fasimoli, pauta, ga’o kuka ai mea’ai, ma ato talo ma fa’i.
O lavalava na lavea i le foa’i sa fa’apitoa mai i Ausetalia, o le faatupeina o foa’i uma e tusa lona tauaofai ma le $10,0000.
O lenei taumafaiga e fa’avae i luga o le alofa ma le tautua, e pei ona fa’ailoa mai e le Faife’au Orion Savea, i le autu o lana saunoaga mai i le 1 Korinito 13:1.
E aofia i le misiona lautele a tinā o le Ekalesia Aso Fitu o le Toe Afio Mai i le Misiona Samoa le alofa, e ala i gaoioiga fa’atino ma foa’i.
Na saunoa le faletua ta’ita’i o le sone, o Taupalo Hurrell, na ia fa’apea mai, o la latou foa’i e fa’amuamua ma fa’alauiloa le soifua maloloina lelei atoa ai ma avanoa e fa’asalalau ai le talalelei.
“O le ekalesia Aso Fitu o le Toe Afio Mai, e talitonu, o le soifua maloloina lelei o le lima taumatau lea o le talalelei. E lē mafai e tagata ona tapua’i i le Atua, ma o latou loto atoa, pe afai o gasegase. O le mea lea, matou te mana’o ai e fa’aali le agalelei i’a i latou e mana’omia le fesoasoani, aemaise lava e o mama’i i falemai,” i lana saunoaga.
“O le se tasi lenei o auala e fa’aali ai le alofa o le Atua i isi. E ala i a tatou gaoioiga, ina ia musuia ai i latou o lo’o mafatia po’o a lava fa’afitauli o iai, o lo’o iai Le Atua i’a i latou,” Taupalo Hurrell.
O lo’o galuluea fa’atasi le Goshen Trust, ma le matagaluega o le soifua lelei fa’ale-mafaufau, e fesoasoani i gasegase ina ia mafai ona toe fa’afeiloa’i i tua pe’a maua se mapu, ma o i latou nei o le’a fa’amanuiaina i lenei foa’i.
E le gata i le fesoasoani i mana’oga fa’apitoa o i latou i le Goshen Trust, ae fa’apea fo’i ona tu’uina atu ai se fe’au malosi o le manatu alofa lea fa’ale-nu’u.
Na fa’atasi mai i le Toreka le Peresitene o le Misiona a Samoa Tokelau o le Ekalesia Aso Fitu o le Toe Afio Mai, le Fa’afeagaiga ia Sione Ausage ma lona faletua, le failautusi a le STM, le Fa’afeagaiga ia Neru Nu’uiali’i ma lona faletua, ma le Fa’afeagaiga ia Orion Savea ma lona faletua, fa’apea ai fo’i ma le Fa’afeagaiga ia Mose ma lona faletua.
O lenei fo’ai tele na tauaa’oina atu ananafi.