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HomeGovernmentSamoa commemorating World Day for health and safety at work 2024

Samoa commemorating World Day for health and safety at work 2024

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work; 28th April 2024
Theme: “Ensuring safe and healthy work now in a changing climate”

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an annual event celebrated worldwide to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. It is also an awareness-raising campaign to turn the attention of countries and leaders on the magnitude of the problem and how promoting and creating safety and health cultures greatly impact the reduction in workplace accidents and illnesses that has caused injuries and fatalities.

Samoa, being a member state of the International Labour Organization since 2005, and commenced the commemoration of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work since 2006. Successively, Samoa has commemorated this important event on the 28th April annually through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour.

This year’s theme “Ensuring safe and healthy work now in a changing climate” puts emphasis on the issues of climate change affecting our labour workforce and small to large businesses and organizations environmentally and economically. The lessons learnt and observed requires workplaces to have strong OSH systems and policies to guide Employers and Workers, and all stakeholders on safety in all work places. The Ministry in partnership with stakeholders is committed to the review of existing OSH guidelines and policies to support this important drive.

Consequently, the Ministry, and the National OSH Task Force are planning three (3) activities to commemorate this occasion, namely (i) Awareness for selected industries on OSH systems and relation to climate change. (ii) A Talk show program for ministries and OSH Taskforce members for public awareness on selected radio/TV stations. (iii) An Awards Ceremony to reward commitment of companies and organizations to OSH requirements and systems in place.

The Ministry also acknowledges the continued support of the International Labour Organization and relevant stakeholders in continuing to strengthen work safety and health through the Samoa National Tripartite Forum and National OSH Taskforce.

Please address all correspondence to the Chief Executive Officer:

P.O. Box 862, Apia, SAMOA
Telephone: (685) 20441/20442/20443
Email: [email protected].
Level 4, ACC House, Apia
Website: www.mcil.gov.ws

I le gagana Samoa

Aso Fa’amanatu i le Lalolagi mo le Saogalemu ma le Soifua Maloloina i Galuega
28 Aperila 2024
Sini Autū: “Ia mata’itūina le saogalemu ma le soifua malōlōina i galuega, ao iai i suiga o le tau”

O lenei aso fa’amanatu mo le lalolagi e fa’atauā ai le Saogalemu ma le Soifua Maloloina i Galuega; o se fa’alauiloa mo a’afiaga o tagata faigaluega i fa’alavelave fa’afuase’i ma fa’ama’i. O se taumafaiga foi e fautuaina ai pulega ma fa’auluuluga o galuega; ina ia ‘ausia tulaga maualuga o puipuiga mo saogalemu ma le soifua maloloina o tagata faigaluega; ina ia taofi ma fa’aitiitia fa’alavelave tutupu fa’afuase’i i totonu o fale-faigaluega.

O le tausaga e 2005 na avea ai Samoa ma sui ‘auai ole Fa’alapotopotoga o Leipa i le Lalolagi, ma amatalia ai ona fa’amamaluina le fa’amanatuina o le Aso Fa’amanatu i le Lalolagi mo le Saogalemu ma le Soifua Maloloina i Galuega i le tausaga e 2006. Ma ua fa’amau-fa’ailogaina ai le aso 28 o Aperila i tausaga uma, e fa’amanatuina ai lea aso fa’apitoa i lalo ole Matagaluega o Pisinisi, Alāmanuia ma Leipa.

O le Sini Autū o lenei tausaga, “ia mata’itūina le saogalemu ma le Soifua malōlōina i galuega ao iai i suiga o le tau”. O lo’o atagia ai popōlega i le ma’ale’ale o le tau ma ona a’afiaga i tagata faigaluega i pisinisi ma galuega eseese, e lē gata i a’afiaga o le si’osi’omaga faigaluega, ao ona a’afiaga i le tamao’aiga. O lesona ma fautuaga o lo’o tulimata’i pea e le Matagaluega, ia fausia ni ta’iala ma ni alāfua ina ia mulimulita’ia e tagata faigaluega uma, o pulega o fale-faigaluega, ma pa’aga masani ina ia malu puipuia tagata i totonu o so’o se fale-faigaluega. O lo’o fa’agasolo galuega fuafua a le Matagaluega ma pa’aga uma i le toe iloiloina o ta’iala ma faiga fa’avae mo le una’ia o le Saogalemu ma le Soifua Maloloina i totonu o fale faigaluega.

I le fa’amanatuina o lea aso, ua fa’atulaga ai e le Matagaluega o Pisinisi, Alāmanuia ma Leipa, ma le Komiti Faafoe ni Galuega fa’atino (activities) se tolu (3) mo lea faamoemoe. Polokalame Muamua (1); Polokalame fa’alauiloa/aoaoga, aso 23 Aperila. Lona lua (2); fa’atalatalanoaga ma sui o le Komiti Faafoe (National OSH Taskforce) i luga o alāleo ma televise, aso 25 Aperila. Ma le lona tolu (3); Polokalame o le tufatufaina o fa’ailoga (OSH Awards) i Matagaluega ma pisinisi ua ‘ausia tulaga maualuga o mo’omiaga ma aiaiga o le tulafono o le Saogalemu ma le Soifua malōlōina i galuega 2002.

E le fa’aitiitia le fa’afetai a le Matagaluega (MCIL) i le lagolagosua a le Fa’alapotopotoga o Leipa i le Lalolagi (ILO); fa’apea pa’aga masani i le una’ia ma le fa’amalosia o tulaga i le saogalemu ma le soifua maloloina i galuega, fa’apea le Fono Aoao Fa’atafatolu a Samoa (SNTF), aemaise le Komiti Fa’afoe o Saogalemu ma Soifua Maloloina i Galuega (National OSH Taskforce).

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