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27 March 2025
HomeBusinessThere will be no independence day traditional entertainment this year

There will be no independence day traditional entertainment this year

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It is fitting for the people of Samoa to commemorate Independence Day every year, as it is another opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to Samoa’s full self-governance and the progress that has been achieved.

This is done through dance, songs, storytelling, and other activities.

However, the Committee for the Celebration of Independence Day has announced changes in a meeting with journalists.

In 2024, a five-year period will begin without cultural entertainment in Independence Day celebrations, which means that after the usual morning march on Independence Day next month, people will disperse to villages for their own celebrations.

Starting in 2027, there will be a return to large-scale celebrations.
Sunday worship will be held at the Catholic Church in Mulivai, followed by a procession on Monday, June 3.

The Governor of American Samoa and his masiofo, along with the leader of To’elau, will be in attendance, as announced by the Committee’s spokesperson, Agafili Shem Leo.

Another committee member, Tanuvasa Petone Mauga, announced that small restaurants will be open on Monday, the 3rd of the new month, in preparation for the procession.

Businesses interested in selling their goods on this day are requested to contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Schools, associations, and government departments wanting to participate in the procession should register at the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Culture, as well as the Ministry of Women, Community, and Social Development.

Tusia i le gagana Samoa

E leai ni fa’afiafiaga o le Fu’a o le nei tausaga

E masani tagata Samoa i le fa’amanatuina o le Tuto’atasi i tausaga uma, o le isi avanoa lea e toe aumaia ai lagona o le nofo pologa ai o Samoa i pulega fa’akolone atoa ai ma le sa’olotoga na saili.

E ala lea i siva, pese, tala fa’asamoa ma isi.

Ae peita’i, ua faailoa e le Komiti o Tapenaga o le Tuto’atasi i le feiloaiga ma Tusitala i le aso, suiga ua iai.

O le tausaga 2024, o le a amata ai ona ta’ilima tausaga ma faia fa’afiafiaga fa’aleaganu’u i le aso o le Sisigafu’a, o lona uiga e ma’ea savali fa’aaloalo o lea aso fa’amanatu i le masina fou, ona ta’ape lea e fa’amanatuina lea aso i afioaga lava.

O le tausaga 2027, fa’atoa toe fo’i ai i faiga māsani i tapenaga tetele.
O le a faia lava le sauniga lotu i le Sāpati, e faia lea i le malumalu o le Ekalesia Katoliko i Mulivai, ona soso’o ai lea ma savali fa’aaloalo i le Aso Gafua, 03 o Iuni.

E auai mai le Fa’auluuluga o To’elau, ātoa ai ma le Kovana o Amerika Samoa ma lona masiofo, mo lea fa’amoemoe e pei ona saunoa le sui o le Komiti ia Agafili Shem Leo.

Na ta’ua e le isi foi sui o le komiti ia Tanuvasa Petone Mauga, e faia lava faleaiga i le aso Gafua, 03 o le masina fou e faatatau mo savali fa’aaloalo.

Ua tatalo mai ai i le aufaipisinisi e fia faatau a latou oloa i lea aso, ina ia feso’ota’i i le Matāgaluega o Punaoa Fa’alenatura ma Si’osi’omaga.

Ae mo A’oga, Fa’alapotopotoga ma Matāgaluega e fia auai i savali fa’aaloalo, e ao ona resitala i le Matāgaluega o Aoga ma Aganu’u, atoa ai ma le Matāgaluega o Tina ma Tama’ita’i, Atina’e o Afioaga ma Agafeso’ota’i.

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