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30 March 2025
HomeBudget$100,000 allocation for specialised skill development for Samoans

$100,000 allocation for specialised skill development for Samoans

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The Government does not underestimate the effort required to significantly enhance human capital in various fields within government services as well as the broader community. This is why, in its Budget Statement for 2024 | 2025, funds have been allocated to support this important national effort. For when the younger generation is knowledgeable, the high level of preparedness for Samoa’s future wellbeing is evident.

In an interview with Savali, the Honourable Minister of the Ministry of Finance, Lautimuia Afoa Uelese Va’ai, clearly articulated the importance of this emphasis by the Government. Additionally, it is a forward-looking initiative to ensure that Samoa does not lack skilled individuals in fields such as Accounting, Nursing, Medicine, Law, and others.

The Minister noted that many professional associations have been unable to sustain and stabilise their efforts due to insufficient funding to provide extensive training that would expand the skills and capabilities of those working in these services. This highlights the push for the significant enhancement of these specialised skills for the benefit of our people.

Lautimuia stated that the Public Service Commission is leading the way in promoting the proper preparation of these specialised skills, which is beneficial for both the Government and the entire nation. Having sufficient skilled individuals in these specialised fields will undoubtedly improve the quality of each service and reduce the need for additional workers from other countries to fill these roles in the future.

For your information, in the 2024 | 2025 Budget Statement, $100,000 has been allocated under the Budget of the Public Service Commission for Professional Associations (such as the Samoa Institute Accountants | Samoa Nurses Association) to distribute $10,000 each to the Associations. These funds support efforts to enhance the skills of workers. The development of members of these Associations or Organisations in various skills will increase the number of qualified Samoans able to bid for contractual jobs under major Government projects.

“Many of the Government’s contractual jobs are still being filled by foreigners, not Samoan citizens, due to the lack of specialised skills among our people. This priority by our Government is crucial for the future,” stated the Minister.

The second part of the allocation is $200,000 set aside for scholarships for current Government employees who are still completing their initial qualifications.

There are conditions and competitive criteria for selecting eligible candidates under this program.

The article was originally published in Samoan, authored by Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga of the Savali Newspaper.

Tusia i le gagana Samoa e Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga

$100,000 fa’asoa mo asosi tau tomai fa’apitoa i le atunu’u

E le’o māmā i le Mālō le taumafaiga ina ia si’itia mauāluga tomai fa’apitoa i matātā ‘ese’ese i totonu o auaunaga a le Mālō fa’apea le atunu’u lautele.

O le ala lea ua folasia ai i lana Tala Fa’atatau Autū o le Tupe 2024 | 2025 le fa’aagaga o ni vaegātupe e fesoasoani ai i lea taumafaiga tāua i le atunu’u. Auā a popoto fanau lalovaoa, e lē tauilo fo’i le tulaga mauāluga o le lelei tapena o le tamāo’āiga o Samoa mo a taeao.

I le feiloā’iga a le Savali ma le Afioga i le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o Tupe iā Lautimuia Afoa Uelese Va’ai, na ia talatala manino ai le tāua o lea fa’amamafa a le Mālō.

Aemaise o le va’ai mamao, ina ia ‘aua ne’i oge Samoa i ana tamafanau e i ai tomai fa’apitoa e pei o le Su’etusi, Tausi Soifua, Foma’i, Loia ma isi.

Fa’ailoa e le Minisitā, o le tele o Asosi o tomai ‘ese’ese nei, e le’o mafai ona fa’aauauina ma mautū sa latou taumafaiga, e afua ona o le utiuti o le seleni e tapena ai nisi a’oa’oga se tele e fa’alautele ai tomai ma agava’a o ē o lo’o galulue i ia auaunaga. Ma ua taotaomia ai le unā’ia o le si’itia mauāluga o ia tomai fa’apitoa auā le auaunaga ofoina atu mo nai o tatou tagata.

Saunoa Lautimuia, o le taulāmua ai le Ofisa o le Komisi o Tagata Faigaluega a le Mālō e unā’ia le lelei tapena o tomai fa’apitoa nei, o se itu lelei lea mo le Mālō ma le atunu’u atoa, auā o le lava o i latou e i ai o latou agava’a i nei tomai fa’apitoa, o le a lē taumate fo’i le lelei o auaunaga ta’itasi, ma tu’uitiitia ai le mana’omia pea o nisi tagata mai isi atunu’u, e galulue i nei auaunaga i le aga’i atu i le lumana’i.

Mo le silafia, i le Tala Fa’atatau Autū o le Tupe 2024 | 2025 o lo’o ta’oto ai le $100,000 ua fa’atatauina i lalo o le Tala o le Tupe a le Komisi o Tagata Faigaluega a le Mālō, mo Fa’alapotopotoga i tomai ‘ese’ese (e pei o le Asosi a le Au Tausi Tusi | Tausi Soifua) ina ia fa’asoa ta’i $10,000 i le Asosi.

O lea vaegātupe e lagolago ai i galuega mo le si’itia o le tomai o tagata faigaluega. O le atina’eina o sui o nei Asosi po’o Fa’alapotopotoga mo tomai ‘ese’ese, o le a to’atele ai tamafanau a Samoa e agava’a e tauofo mo galuega fa’akonesale i lalo o atina’e tetele a le Mālō.

“Tele tele galuega a le Mālō fa’akonesale, e tāpā ai lava ni tagata mai fafo, e le’o ni tagatānu’u Samoa, e galulue i nei galuega fa’akonesale, e afua mai i le utiuti o le tomai fa’apitoa e mauaina o nai a tatou tamafanau. O le tāua lenā o lenei fa’amuamua a lo tatou Mālō, ua fa’ata’oto mo le aga’i atu i le lumana’i.”

O le vaega lua, e $200,000 ua fa’atatauina mo sikolasipi a ē o lo’o faigaluega i le Mālō i le taimi nei, ae o lo’o tau fa’amae’a a latou a’oa’oga mo fa’ailoga muamua.

E i ai aiaiga ma e fa’atauvā le filifiliina o i latou e agava’a i lalo o lenei polokalame.

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