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24 February 2025
HomeChurch2,700 wheelchairs and 800 crutches provided for Samoa

2,700 wheelchairs and 800 crutches provided for Samoa

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The support by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the Ministry of Health continues with donations, as it has been doing every year.

One such act of kindness is reflected in the donation of 8 full 40-foot containers filled with wheelchairs, crutches, and canes to the Ministry, which have been distributed to community members in need of support since 2014.

Through this support, approximately 1,000 Samoans who require mobility aids have been assisted. This is a noble Samaritan-like act, which the Church offers for Samoa every year.

Upon the arrival of the new container this week, it was first blessed before being unpacked and used. The Minister of Health, Hon. Valasi Luapitoifanua To’ogamaga Tafito Selesele, expressed his delight in this morning address.

Representatives from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Ministry of Health (MOH) gathered in front of the opened container with supplies of donated wheelchairs. Photo: Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga

“We have gathered together on this beautiful morning because of the loving donation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the 40-foot container, full of various types of wheelchairs, canes and crutches and are brand new. This helps and supports the Government of Samoa in its efforts in supporting our mobility-impaired community.

“This is one of the proclamations that our Government has prioritised, desiring to multiply and strengthen the promotion of the rights and total needs of individuals who are permanently disabled or mobility-impaired in Samoa. The agreement has also been signed by the Government of Samoa on the commitment to promote and ensure the continuous improvement of the rights and total needs of individuals who are permanently disabled or mobility-impaired for the continuous well-being of lives in Samoa since 2014.

Professor Aiono Dr. Alec Ekeroma, CEO of the Ministry of Health (MOH) inspecting a wheelchair from one of the donated containers. Photo: Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga

“The conditions and guidelines of these donations prohibit their internal use in hospitals but rather prioritise their distribution to individual Samoans with permanent physical impairments. Hence, the Ministry requested wheelchairs from the Church to serve those inside all our hospitals. As a result, the church offered and donated 40 brand new wheelchairs to the Ministry of Health (MOH) to help improve support and service in our hospitals.

This approach has been encouraged by the Ministry, with the Church being commended for its ongoing support for health facilities. This has led to the Church providing new supplies for the Ministry of Health, assisting in the enhancement of its services across all hospitals in the country.

A container filled with boxes of wheelchairs arrives, bringing mobility and support to those in need. Photo: Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga

“The partnership between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Government, specifically the Ministry of Health, began in 2014 and is continuing into this year.

“The hope and support of the Church to assist our people in our communities who have permanent mobility issues.

Through its various charitable works and assistance worldwide, the Church is able to send 8 x 40ft containers of various types of wheelchairs, canes, and crutches.

“The Church’s donation includes the purchase of necessary goods and materials, as well as various essential machines used in the treatment and care of individuals with permanent physical impairments, which can be imported and assembled in Samoa by those who have been trained in these fields by the Ministry of Health.

“The 8 containers donated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for Samoa since 2014 have been crucial. According to our Ministry of Health, approximately 2,700 wheelchairs and about 800 different types of canes and crutches have been donated to Samoa.

“As the Minister of the Ministry of Health, I represent the Independent State of Samoa in officially accepting this valuable donation in 2024. I extend the government’s heartfelt gratitude to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its leaders and administrators in Samoa, the Pacific, and worldwide. These generous and invaluable services are freely donated to Samoa every year, despite their significant cost.

“Special thanks also to the Ministry staff who are responsible for the proper care of these important assets and who carry out their duties for our people. Well done for your tireless efforts in serving our people who rely on our continuous assistance. Remember, never stop doing good, and never cease to serve with love for our cumminty in need.

“We hope that we use these gifts appropriately, distributing the wheelchairs and canes effectively, fittingly, and honestly for the benefit of our people with permanent physical impairments. Additionally, we aim to take good care of them, ensuring their protection and proper maintenance so that they remain useful for a long time.

“In hospitals throughout the country, use these wheelchairs with care, avoiding misuse, so that they remain in good condition for serving our people who come for treatment at our hospitals every day.”

The Minister also suggested that if the church could perhaps look at some stronger, more durable wheelchairs and canes if possible in the future, given the observation that the current ones may not be strong enough for the bigger bodies and overweight individuals in Samoa who will use the service.

He also humbly advised the health workers to diligently look after these properties, keep records of their use, and ensure that these important assets are not abused or misused.

The story was originally published on Savali Newspaper Facebook in Samoan authored by Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga.

2,700 nofoa fa’ata’avalevale ma le 800 to’oto’o ua fa’asafua mo le atunu’u lautele

E le’o itiiti le galuega alofa a le Ekalesia o le Au Pa’ia o Aso e Gata Ai o lo’o faia pea mo le auaunaga a le Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina i tausaga ta’itasi.

O le pine fa’amau o lea galuega alofa, le 8 container tetele ta’i 40 futu, e tumu lelei i nofoa fa’ata’avalevale ma to’oto’o ua mafai ona auina mai e fesoasoani ai i le auaunaga a le Matāgaluega aemaise le fa’asafuaina atu mo nai o tatou tagatānu’u o lo’o mo’omia lea auaunaga, talu mai le 2014.

I lea fesoasoani, ua manuia ai le faitau 1,000 o nai o tatou tagatānu’u, o lo’o fa’alagolago lo latou soifua i le to’oto’o po’o le nofoa fa’ata’avalevale fo’i. O se galuega alofa fa’aSamaria agalelei lea, o lo’o ofoina atu e lea Ekalesia mo Samoa i tausaga ta’itasi.

I le taunu’u mai ai o le isi container fou i lenei vaiaso, na fa’apa’iaina ai a’o le’i tatalaina mo lona fa’aāogaina, o se fiafiaga sili lea i le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina iā Valasi Luapitoifanua To’ogamaga Tafito Selesele, e pei ona ia fa’ailoa i lana Saunoaga Autū i le taeao nei.

“Ua tatou ofaga potopoto ma fa’atasi i lenei taeao matagofie, ona o le foa’i alofa a le Ekalesia Iesu Keriso o le Au Pa’ia o Aso e Gata Ai, le container 40 futu, tumu lelei i nofoa fa’ata’avalevale ma to’oto’o i ona itu’āiga ‘ese’ese ma e fou lava. E fesoasoani ma lagolago ai i le galuega fa’aleleia a le Mālō o Samoa mo ona tagatānu’u e i ai a’afiaga tumau o le soifua.

“O se tasi nei o anavatau na ‘ave i ai le fa’amuamua a le tatou Mālō ma le fa’anaunauta’iga ia fa’ateleina ma fa’amalosia le fa’atāuaina o aiātatau ma mana’oga fa’apitoa a ona tagata e i ai a’afiaga tumau o le soifua o lo’o i Samoa nei. Ua mae’a fo’i ona sainia e le Mālō o Samoa le maliliega fa’avāomālō i le fa’atāuaina o aiātatau a tagata e i ai manu’aga tumau o le soifua i le tausaga e 2014.

“O aiaiga ma ta’iala o nei foa’i, e lē mafai ona fa’aāogaina i totonu o maota gasegase ae tau lava o le fa’asafua atu ma tu’uina atu i tagata Samoa ta’ito’atasi e i ai a’afiaga tumau o le soifua. O lea sa fa’atalosagaina ai e le Matāgaluega nei le Ekalesia mo ni nofoa fa’ata’avalevale auā le auaunaga tau soifua mālōlōina i totonu o ona maota gasegase uma. Ma o lenei ua agalelei mai ai le Ekalesia ma tu’uina mai ai nofoa fa’ata’avalevale fou lava e 40 mo le Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina (M.O.H.), e fesoasoani ai i le fa’aleleia o ana auaunaga i totonu o Falema’i uma i le atunu’u.

“O le faigāpa’aga a le Ekalesia o le Au Pa’ia o Aso e Gata Ai ma le Mālō, tauala mai i le Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina, sa amatalia mai i le tausaga 2014, ma o lea o lo’o fa’aauau pea se’ia o’o mai i lenei tausaga.

“O le fa’amoemoe ma le naunauta’iga a le Ekalesia e fesoasoani ai mo tatou tagata a lo tatou atunu’u e i ai a’afiaga tumau o le soifua.

E tauala mai i ana auaunaga o foa’i ma fesoasoani alofa i le lalolagi atoa, ua mafai ai ona tu’uina mai container 40 futu e tumu i nofoa fa’ata’avalevale ma to’oto’o ‘ese’ese i tausaga ta’itasi.

“Ua fa’aopoopoina le foa’i a le Ekalesia e ala i le fa’atupeina o oloa mana’omia ma mea faigaluega ma nisi o masini fa’apitoa e fa’aāogaina i le gaosia ma le fausia o ‘ā’ao (vae ma lima) fa’apipi’i ma nisi o mea faigaluega fa’apitoa e mana’omia ma fesoasoani ai i tagata e i ai a’afiaga tumau o le soifua, ua mafai lava ona gaosia ma fausia i Samoa nei e i latou ua uma ona a’oa’oina i nei tomai ma poto fa’apitoa i le fa’amalu a le Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina.

“O le 8 ai nei o container ua foa’iina mai e le Ekalesia o le Au Pa’ia o Aso e Gata Ai mo Samoa talu mai le tausaga e 2014. I fa’amaumauga a le tatou Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina, ua silia ma le 2,700 nofo fa’ata’avalevale ae silia ma le 800 to’oto’o ‘ese’ese ua mafai ona foa’iina fua mai mo Samoa.

“I le avea ai ma Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o le Soifua Mālōlōina, e fai ai a’u ma Sui o le Mālō Tuto’atasi o Samoa, e talia aloā’ia lenei foa’i tāua tele i lenei tausaga 2024, ma fa’aleoina fa’apitoa ai le agaga fa’afetai o le Mālō i le Ekalesia a Iesu Keriso o le Au Pa’ia o Aso e Gata Ai, i ona Ta’ita’i ma Pulega i Samoa nei, fa’atasi ai ma le Pasefika, aemaise le lalolagi atoa. Ona o nei fesoasoani ma nei auaunaga taugatā e lē taugofie ua foa’i fua ina mai mo Samoa i tausaga ta’itasi.

“Fa’afetai fa’apitoa fo’i i le Matāgaluega nei i ‘ai latou o lo’o gafa ma le va’aia lelei o nei aseta tāua, ma fa’atinoina le auaunaga auā nai o tatou tagatānu’u, mālō le galulue lē fa’alogologotigā auā le tautuaina o nai o tatou tagata o lo’o sulufa’i mai mo le mana’omia o la tatou fesoasoani faifaipea. Manatua ‘aua ne’i muta le fai mea lelei, ‘aua ne’i motusia le ola tautua alofa auā nai o tatou tagata fai mai.

“Fa’amoemoe o le ā tatou fa’aāogaina ma le tatau nei meaalofa ma fa’asoasoa atu ma le lelei, talafeagai ma fa’amaoni nei nofoa fa’ata’avalevale ma to’oto’o mo le manuia lautele o tatou tagata e i ai a’afiaga tumau o le soifua. Fa’atasi ai fo’i ma le tausia lelei, puipui malu, leoleo lelei ma fa’apelepele i ai ina ia umi le āoga.

“I totonu o Falema’i i le atunu’u, fa’aāoga ma le fa’aeteete, ‘aua le fa’atautala, ia umi pea ona lelei nei nofoa fa’ata’avalevale auā le tautuaina o nai o tatou tagatānu’u e sulufa’i atu mo togafitiga i Maota Gasegase i aso ta’itasi.”

Na toe talosaga ai le Minisitā i le Ekalesia o le Au Pa’ia o Aso e Gata Ai, pe mafai ona toe silasila ane le Ekalesia i nisi itu’āiga nofoa fa’ata’avalevale ma to’oto’o malolosi atu, nai lo meaalofa ua auina mai, ona ua maitauina ua lē gafatia e le malosi o ia nofoa fa’ata’avalevale ma to’oto’o ua tu’uina mai, le tino puta ma le lapopo’a o tagatānu’u Samoa o lo’o latou fa’aāogaina ia auaunaga.

Na ia tu’uālalo fo’i i le aufaigaluega, o lo’o latou va’aia ia meatotino, ina ia fa’amaumau lelei, ma ‘aua ne’i tu’usaunoa le fa’aāogaina o ia aseta tāua a lo tatou Mālō.

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