Avele College’s newly built Samoan Fale was filled with mixed emotions on Sunday as former teachers and principals, old pupils, and current students wrapped up a week-long celebration of the school’s hundredth anniversary.
Christian Jr Poutoa, a student from the class of 2018, shared his experience of returning to the school after five years.
“It was really a heartfelt get-together. Tears came down as we looked back on the difficult path we took.

“Despite our age right now, it is so sweet whenever I hear people in their 50s, address their former teachers in Avele who are still alive as Mrs. and Mr. as if they were still having a lesson in a classroom.
“Throughout the whole of last week, I could still smell the freshness of a puataunofo flower that we would always wear to school back in the days. Wow, time really flies because it feels like I left the school ages ago.

“This milestone was also a chance to catch up, hear about each other’s lives, and see who they’ve become.
“During the 100 years celebration, former students served as excellent role models for current ones by sharing stories about their achievements.”

Mr. Poutoa told this media that the event accentuated the sense of oneness, which is one of the aspects that is highly valued in the Avele family.
The closing ceremony was led by Reverend Elder Tunumoso Iosia Soliola.