The total cost of four electric generators purchased by the Electric Power Corporation (E.P.C.) to assist with Samoa’s electricity supply, especially in preparation for the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (C.H.O.G.M.) in October 2024, is $10.7 million.
Three of these new generators have been installed in Upolu, while one has been sent to Savai’i, and each generator has a power output of 2 megawatts.
According to the Minister of Works, Transport, and Infrastructure, Hon. ‘Olo Afoa Fiti Va’ai, the Corporation has observed a continuous increase in electricity usage by our people, particularly with the growing number of businesses in the country.
There has also been a significant increase in new homes being built by individual families, which raised concerns within the Corporation about the increasing demand for electricity.
However, ‘Olo affirmed that the installation of the four new generators is a significant benefit for the entire nation and refutes the belief held by some that the E.P.C. is collapsing. Instead, this move strengthens the continuous service provided by the E.P.C.
The Minister revealed that the Corporation had prepared 32 megawatts of electricity for the entire country, and currently, 30 megawatts are being used, leaving only 2 megawatts as a reserve.
With the addition of these four new generators, an extra 8 megawatts of reserve power has been added, making a total of 10 megawatts in reserve for the nation, in case of any emergencies or increased electricity demand, especially during the upcoming major meeting.
‘Olo and the E.P.C. are pleased that this development has alleviated concerns within the Corporation about having enough reserve electricity for the entire country at all times.
The main contractor, H.N.A.C. Technology, was responsible for installing these four new generators and training the E.P.C. staff on their operation.
‘Olo noted that since the F.A.S.T. government took office, there has been a significant reduction in the burden on the general public regarding electricity costs, with a 20% decrease in electricity prices since 2021.
This important initiative was officially opened at the Corporation’s special facility in Fuluasou.
Tala tusia i le gagana Samoa
Ua Tutu’a le E.P.C. – E Le’o gau; ‘Olo
Tusia: Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga
E $10.7 Miliona le tau atoa o afi molī ‘eletise e 4, sa fa’atauina e le Fa’alapotopotoga o Malosi’aga Tau ‘Eletise (E.P.C.) e fesoasoani ai i le ‘eletise maua mo Samoa aemaise o la tatou tapenaga mo le Fonotaga Tele a Ta’ita’i o Mālō o le Taupulega (C.H.O.G.M.) iā Oketopa 2024.
O ia afi molī ‘eletise fou, e 3 ua fa’apipi’iina mo Upolu ae 1 ua ‘ave i Salāfai, ma e ta’ilua mekauati le malosi o le afi e tasi.
Saunoa le afioga i le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o Galuega Tetele, Fela’uā’iga ma Atina’e ‘Ese’ese iā ‘Olo Afoa Fiti Va’ai, ua maitauina e le Fa’alapotopotoga le si’itia pea o le fa’aāogaina e o tatou tagata o le ‘eletise, aemaise ai o le fa’atupula’ia pea o le mau pisinisi i le atunu’u.
Ua tele fo’i fale fou ua gaosi e ‘āiga ta’itasi, ma na i ai se popolega i le Fa’alapotopotoga ona o le fa’atupula’ia pea o le mo’omia e tagata uma o le ‘eletise.
Peita’i, na ta’utino ‘Olo, o le fa’apipi’i ai o afi molī ‘eletise fou e 4, o se fa’aola totoga mo le atunu’u atoa, ma e sesē ai le mau o lo’o tau’ave pea e nisi ua gau le E.P.C. ae leai, ua atili ai ona tutu’a ma malosi le auaunaga fa’aauau pea a le E.P.C.
Fa’ailoa e le Minisitā, e 32 mekauati le malosi o le ‘eletise sa tapena e le Fa’alapotopotoga mo le atunu’u atoa, a’o le taimi nei, e 30 mekauati o lo’o fa’aāogaina, o lona uiga na’o le 2 mekauati fa’aleoleo.
O le i ai o nei afi molī ‘eletise fou e 4, ua fa’aopoopo ai le isi 8 mekauati fa’aleoleo, ma ua atoa ai le 10 mekauati fa’aleoleo, mo le atunu’u ina ne’i tutupu ni fa’alavelave fa’afuase’i pe ua si’itia fo’i le mana’omia o le ‘eletise aemaise le taimi o lea Fonotaga Tele.
O le fiafiaga iā ‘Olo ma le E.P.C. ona ua mafai ona ‘ave’esea ai lea popolega i le Fa’alapotopotoga, i le lava o le ‘eletise fa’aleoleo mo le atunu’u atoa i taimi uma.
O le Konekarate Autū a le H.N.A.C. Technology, sa gafa ma le fa’apipi’ina o ia afi molī ‘eletise fou e 4, ma a’oa’oina le aufaigaluega a le E.P.C. i le fa’aāogaina o ia auaunaga tāua.
Fa’ailoa e ‘Olo, talu ona tula’i mai le Faigāmālō a le F.A.S.T. ua telē le fa’amāmā avega mo le atunu’u lautele e tauala atu i le ‘eletise mo le taimi muamua, e pei ona i ai le 20% sa fa’apa’ūina mai le tau o le ‘eletise talu mai le 2021.
O lea fa’amoemoe tāua sa tatalaina aloā’ia i le nofoaga fa’apitoa a le Fa’alapotopotoga i Fuluasou.