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24 February 2025
HomeAidJapan's generous support for Samoa's Fire Services

Japan’s generous support for Samoa’s Fire Services

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As the nation prepares to host CHOGM 2024, Samoa’s international partners continue to extend their generosity, particularly in supporting the Fire Services.

The Ambassador of Japan to Samoa, Mr. Keisuke Senta, recently handed over four fire trucks along with additional firefighting equipment to the Minister of Fire and Emergency Services, Hon Faualo Lefau Harry Schuster. The total value of this donation is $760,000. These fire trucks were previously used in Japan but have been fully refurbished to meet the highest safety and operational standards.

In his keynote speech, Minister Hon. Faualo Harry Jeffrey Schuster highlighted the importance of being well-prepared and ready for any emergencies that may arise.

“On 18 March 2022, an agreement was signed between the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) and the Japanese Embassy to fund these vital and essential tools from Japan.

New firefighting equipment donated by Japan to Samoa’s Fire and Emergency Services. Photo: Taunuuga Toatasi / Government of Samoa

pan’s experience with the Tsunami, which caused the donation to arrive later than expected. These vehicles and equipment now handed over are a crucial support for the Fire Services during this period as they prepare for CHOGM in October.

“Having adequate equipment and being well-prepared is essential not only for the meeting but also for the day-to-day services provided to the general public.

“On behalf of the Government and the people of Samoa, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Government of Japan for your continued support in the development of Samoa’s economy.

“This is not the first time you have donated to the Fire Services. In previous years, you have also provided fire trucks, emergency vehicles, rescue boats, and various other tools and assistance, too numerous to mention. Thank you for your generosity, which reflects the warmth of the relationship between Samoa and Japan.

“I believe that these vehicles will be used with care by the staff to ensure their long-term benefit for Samoa as we move forward into the future.”

The Japanese Ambassador in Samoa expressed his gratitude to the Minister and FESA team for their dedication and service.

The Ambassador stated that Japan’s program in the area of safety and security aligns with the goals outlined in Samoa’s Development Strategy 2021-2026, which focuses on providing assistance where it is most needed.

For the past 33 years, Japan’s program has been directed toward prioritising areas essential for development, ensuring that aid contributes to Samoa’s economic growth now and in the future.

Tala tusia i le gagana Samoa

Telē le Fesoasoani a Iāpani mo le Auaunaga a le Pulega o Tineimū

Tusia: Taunuuga Toatasi

A’o fa’agasolo ai tapenaga a le atunu’u mo lana taligāmālō i le Fono a Ta’ita’i o Mālō o le Taupulega, o lo’o fa’aauau pea ona agalelei mai pa’aga fa’avāomālō a Samoa i fesoasoani e pei ona i ai le Pulega o Tineimū.

Ua tau’ā’ao atu ai e le Amapasa o le Mālō o Iāpani i Samoa nei iā Mr. Keisuke Senta ia ta’avale fuimū e 4 fa’atasi ai ma nisi o meafaigaluega tau tineimū i le Minisitā o le Pulega o Tineimū ma Fa’alavelave Tutupu Fa’afuase’i iā Faualo Lefau Harry Schuster.

O le tau aofa’i o lea foa’i e $760,000. O ta’avale fuimū o ta’avale sa fa’aāoga muamua i Iāpani, peita’i ua mae’a ona toe fa’aleleia i lona tulaga o lo’o aiaia ai le lelei atoatoa ma le saogālēmū mo le galuega.

I le saunoaga autū a le Afioga i le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o le Pulega o Tineimū ma Fa’alavelave Tutupu Fa’afuase’i, sa ia fa’amamafa ai le tāua o le tapenapena lelei ma sauni i so’o se fa’alavelave e tula’i mai.

“O le 18 o Mati 2022, sa sainia ai le maliega a le Pulega ma le Amapasa o Iāpani mo le fa’atupeina o nei meafaigaluega āoga ma tāua mai Iāpani mo le Pulega.

“O le tuai na taunu’u mai o lenei fesoasoani, ona o le Koviti – 19, aemaise o le a’afiaga o Iāpani i le Tsunami, na afua ai lava ona tuai taunu’u mai lenei foa’i. O nei ta’avale ma mea faigaluega ua tau’ā’aoina, o se fesoasoani tāua tele mo le Pulega i lenei vaitaimi ma lana tapenaga mo le Fono a Ta’ita’i o Mālō o le Taupulega iā Oketopa.

“Ia lava meafaigaluega ma ia lava tapena, ina ia le gata o le fono, ae fa’apea fo’i le tautua o lo’o tu’uina atu i le mamalu lautele o le atunu’u i lea aso ma lea aso.

“E avea ai a’u e fai ma fofoga taumomoli o le Mālō ma tagatānu’u uma o Samoa e momoli atu ai le fa’afetai tele i le Mālō o Iāpani, ona o le tu’u mai pea o lō outou tau’au i le atina’eina o le tamāo’āiga o Samoa.

“E le’o se taimi muamua lenei ua outou foa’i ai mo le Pulega o Tineimū, e pei ona i ai tausaga ua mavae, sa outou foa’i mai ai fo’i i nisi o ta’avale fuimū, o ta’avale mo fa’alavelave tutupu fa’afuase’i, o va’a mo le galuega lavea’i, aemaise o nisi o mea faigaluega ma le anoanoa’i o fesoasoani ua lē mafai ona fa’ailoa. Fa’afetai tele le agalelei, ma o le ata va’aia fo’i lea o le mafana o le mafutaga a Samoa ma Iāpani.

“E i ai le talitonuga o le ā fa’aāoga ma le fa’aeteete e le aufaigaluega nei meafaigaluega ina ia umi sona āoga mo Samoa ma le aga’i atu i le lumana’i.”

Na momoli le fa’amālō a le Amapasa o Iāpani i Samoa nei, i le Afioga i le Minisitā aemaise o le Pulega ma le aufaigaluega, ona o le galuega fītā o lo’o feagai pea ma i latou i lea aso ma lea aso.

Saunoa le Amapasa, o le polokalame lea a Iāpani i vaega tau puipuiga ma le saogālēmū o lo’o ōgatasi ma manulautī o lo’o i le Ta’iala mo le Atina’e o Samoa 2021 – 2026, i le tu’uina lea o fesoasoani i vaega tonu o lo’o mo’omia ai le fesoasoani.

Ua 33 tausaga talu ona fa’agasolo le polokalame lenei a Iāpani, aga’i vaega e tatau ona ‘ave i ai le fa’amuamua auā atina’e, ina ia tupu ma ola fesoasoani auā le tamāo’āiga o Samoa mo nei ma le lumana’i.

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