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30 March 2025
HomeAid$6.5 million for Vaigaga's new school

$6.5 million for Vaigaga’s new school

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The community of Vaigaga expressed deep gratitude to the Government of Samoa for its partnership with the World Bank, which funded the construction of their new $6.5 million school.

This new school is the first in Samoa to be built by the World Bank through the Pacific Resilience Program, aimed at enhancing resilience to climate change in the Pacific.

Special Engineers and a representative from the World Bank visited Vaigaga Primary School and confirmed the release of funds for the construction of their new school.

Notably, the site where the new school is built is a secure and safe location, designed to meet all relevant standards for durability, particularly in response to natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes.

The school is also designated as a refuge for the Vaigaga community during times of natural disasters.

The Honourable Toeolesulusulu Cedric Salesa Posē Schuster, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, shared that the two-story school has 16 rooms: 13 classrooms, a library, a science lab, a computer room, and refurbished rooms for teachers and the principal’s office, along with two new restrooms for both men and women.

Photos: Leota Marc Membrere / Government of Samoa

A remarkable feature of this new school is its accessibility; it is built to accommodate people with disabilities, including special pathways for wheelchairs and rails for the elderly.

This significant project was completed in just 6 months, from December 2023 to June 2024, with a total cost of $6,539,683.

The design and supervision of the project cost $864,000. The demolition of the old school building and the payment for electrical contracts exceeded $124,000.

The construction of the new school cost more than $5,389,000. SSAB Library supplied the desks and chairs for the school at a total cost of $160,000.

The Minister of Public Enterprises, Leatinu’u Wayne So’oialo, who is also the Member of Parliament for the Faleata #2 constituency that includes Vaigaga, led this significant project, focusing on the future of the children of the community.

I le gagana Samoa

$6.5 Miliona le Faleā’oga Fou a Vaigaga

Tusia: Pesetā Tusiga Taofiga

Na fa’afetaia ma le loto ua fa’agae’etia e le pa’ia o le afio’aga o Vaigaga, le Mālō o Samoa i le Faigāpa’aga ma le Faletupe o le Lalolagi, e pei ona fa’atupeina ai le fausia o lo latou faleā’oga fou anagatā e $6.5 Miliona.

O lenei faleā’oga fou, o se ulua’i faleā’oga ua fausia e le Faletupe o le Lalolagi mo Samoa tauala mai i le Polokalame mo le si’itia o tulaga ma tali atu i fesuiā’iga o le tau i le Pasefika (Pacific Resilience Program).

Na āsia e Inisinia Fa’apitoa ma le Sui o le Faletupe o le Lalolagi le Faleā’oga a le Ā’oga Tulaga Lua a Vaigaga ma fa’amaonia ai, le fa’amatu’uina mai o le fesoasoani mo le fausia o sona faleā’oga fou.

Mo le silafia, o le nofoaga mautū toe malu puipuia, lea ua fausia ai le Faleā’oga Fou mo le afio’aga o Vaigaga, ma ua fa’amauina le ausia o tulaga talafeagai ma le anagatā i lona malosi, e tali atu ai i mala fa’alenatura e pei o afā ma mafui’e.

Ma ua fa’amauina, o le ā avea lea Faleā’oga ma nofoaga po’o apitaga, e sulufa’i i ai le pa’ia o le afio’aga o Vaigaga pe ā o’o i taimi o mala fa’alenatura.

Fa’ailoa e le afioga iā Toeolesulusulu Cedric Salesa Posē Schuster, o le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o Puna’oa Fa’alenatura ma le Si’osi’omaga, e 16 potu mo lenei faleā’oga fogāfale 2, e 13 potu mo a’oa’oga a le fanau, 1 le potu tusi, 1 le potu mo su’esu’ega fa’asaienisi, 1 le potu komepiuta, sa toe fa’afou uma fo’i le potu mo Faiā’oga ma le ofisa o le Puleā’oga fa’atasi ai ma faleui fou e 2 mo ali’i ma tama’ita’i.

Ua fa’atotoga uma i nofoa ma kesi fou, o lo’o ola fo’i ma le ‘upega tafa’ilagi, o ia potu uma o lo’o i ai ili, o lo’o i ai fo’i fa’ailoilo (fire alarm) mo taimi o ni mu.

O se itu maoa’e o lenei faleā’oga fou, e fogāfale lua, ae o lo’o fausia i le fausaga e mafai ai ona fa’aaofia ai ma i latou e i ai a’afiaga tumau o le soifua, e aofia ai ma auala fa’apitoa mo nofoa fa’ata’avalevale (wheelchairs) ma pa puipui (rails) mo tagata mātutua.

O lenei galuega tele sa fausia i le na’o le 6 masina, mai iā Tesema 2023 se’ia o’o mai iā Iuni 2024, i lona tau atoa e $6,539,683.

O le tusiaina o le ata ma le mata’itūina o lenei galuega tele e $864,000. O le tu’uina i lalo o le Faleā’oga tuai ma le totogi mo Konekarate tau ‘eletise e silia ma le $124,000.

O le fausia o lea Faleā’oga fou e silia ma le $5,389,000. O le Faletusi a le S.S.A.B. sa fa’atotogaina kesi ma nofoa mo le Faleā’oga i lona tau atoa e $160,000.

Mo le silafia o le afioga i le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o Fa’alapotopotoga Tumā’oti a le Mālō iā Leatinu’u Wayne So’oialo, o le Faipule fo’i o le Itumālō Palota o Faleata #2 o lo’o aofia ai le afio’aga o Vaigaga, sa taulāmua i lenei fa’ama’ite tāua tele, auā fanau lalovaoa o le afio’aga mo a taeao.

O le ‘o’otiina o le lipine sa alaina e le afioga i le Faletua o le afioga i le Tamā o le Itumālō.

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