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1 April 2025
HomeCelebrationAgape schools celebrate English Day

Agape schools celebrate English Day

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Both Agape Preschool and Primary School celebrated English Day on Thursday, with activities centered around the theme, “Where is the better place?”

For the students, the celebration of English Day was about being free from the evilness of the world that has threatened their young lives, leaving them to wonder where they would feel safe.

The day also provided an opportunity for students to learn about the history of English, understand and speak the language, and generate new ideas about it.

The teachers organised various activities for the students as part of the celebrations.

Solinuu Tumalo Samu, the leader of the organising committee and a teacher at the school, told the Samoa Newshub that English Day is the most important event of the year due to its link to the students’ skills and knowledge.

Language celebration in school for young children. Photo: Samoa Newshub

“The purpose of English Day is to acknowledge the skills and knowledge of students who are enrolling this year,” she said.

The students shared their opinions and concerns about the theme of the celebrations and what it meant to each of them as individuals.

“As we all know, in our world today, there are many things going on. For example, we have heard on the news a lot about children experiencing serious violence, abuse, and so forth.

During this event, we teachers want to address those social issues that affect children,” said Ms. Samu.

Other classes emphasised that family is the better place to find peace, while other students argued that heaven is the one.

Teacher said, The purpose of English Day is to acknowledge the skills and knowledge of students. Photo: Samoa Newshub

The heartfelt song “We Are the World” served as the theme song of the day, allowing students to express the idea that every child is the world to his or her parents. Without them, happiness in the family would be unattainable.

The Agape school hall in Sogi was packed to capacity with staff, students, and parents supporting and cheering for their children performing on stage.

The student-led entertainment included poems, dramas, and speeches in English during English Day.

The school is under the leadership of Principal Iulieta Pelenato.

Fa’aliliuina i le gagana Samoa

O le Aoga Amata ma le Aoga Tulagalua a Agape na fa’amanatuina le Aso Gagana Peretania i le Aso Tofi, ma gaioiga uma e fa’atatau i le autu, “O fea le nofoaga sili?”

Mo tamaiti a’oga, o le fa’amanatuina o le Aso Gagana Peretania o lo’o fa’atatau i le sa’olotoga mai le leaga o le lalolagi lea ua lamatia ai o latou olaga talavou, ma mafaufau pe o fea latou te lagona ai se saogalemu.

O le aso na tu’uina atu ai fo’i le avanoa i tamaiti a’oga e a’oa’o ai e uiga i le tala’aga o le Gagana Peretania, malamalama ma tautala i le gagana, ma fa’atupu manatu fou ai fo’i.

Na fa’atulaga fo’i e faia’oga gaioiga eseese mo tamaiti a’oga e fai e avea ma vaega o le fa’amanatuina o le gagana Peretania.

Na ta’ua e Solinuu Tumalo Samu, le ta’ita’i o le komiti fa’atulaga ma o se faia’oga i le a’oga, i le Samoa Newshub o le Aso Gagana Peretania, o se gaioiga taua tele i le tausaga, ona o lona so’otaga i le poto ma le tomai o fanau a’oga.

“O le mafua’aga o le Aso Gagana Peretania o le fa’ailoa atu lea o poto ma tomai o fanau a’oga ua fa’aulufale mai i lenei tausaga,” Samu.

Na fa’asoa e fanau a’oga o latou manatu ma popolega e uiga i le autu o le polokalame ma lona uiga i’a i latou taito’atasi.

“E pei ona tatou iloa i le lalolagi i nei aso, le tele o mea o tutupu. Mo se fa’ata’ita’iga, ua tatou fa’alogo i tala feavea’i e uiga i tamaiti o lo’o feagai ma sauaga tigā, faiga leaga, ma isi tulaga.

I lenei gaioiga, i faia’oga uma, matou te manana’o e fa’atalatalanoa nei mataupu fa’asosaiete, o lo’o a’afia ai pea fanau,” se saunoaga a Ms. Samu.

Na fa’ailoa e isi vasega o fanau, o le aiga o le nofoaga sili lea e maua ai le filemu, ae ua finau nisi fanau a’oga, leai o le lagi o le nofoaga sili lena.

I upu o le pese loto-fuatia-ifo o le “We Are the World” na avea ma pese autu o le aso, na fa’aalia ai e fanau, o i latou ta’ito’atasi o le lalolagi o latou matua, ma aunoa ma i latou, e leai se fiafia i se aiga.

Na tumu le faletele a le a’oga a Agape i Sogi i faiaoga, fanau a’oga, ma matua na iai e lagolago ma fa’amalosi’au fanau a’o fa’alauiloa a latou gaioiga eseese i luga o le tulaga (stage).

Na aofia i faafiafiaga na ta’ita’ia e fanau a’oga solo, tala fa’atino, ma lauga na fa’atinoina uma i le gagana Peretania po’o le Igilisi.

O le a’oga o lo’o ta’ita’ia e le Pule ia Iulieta Pelenato.

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