This is a wonderful gift for many prominent people in the music scene from the district of Vaimauga, consisting of the assembly by the choir of Vaimauga College of all the Samoan songs written by those of the district over the years, into a CD of songs released yesterday.
Mr. Faumuina Tovio Taefu, the school principal, stated that this initiative had been in preparation since last year and was a request by the committee including all the heads of the villages in the district.
This plan was conceived since every year during prize giving ceremonies, the district would listened to the sweet voices of the school children of the college and how well they sing.
Despite the difficulties in preparation, the teaching staff and students strived to realise this dream.
There are 12 Samoan songs on the CD, which were composed by many choir groups and individual singers who are renowned in music, from the district of Vaimauga.

As known, this district is very talented in music. Many have passed on, but the sound of their music is still heard.
Another aim of this project is to strengthen the children’s knowledge of Samoan songs.
“The subject of the Samoan language uses Samoan literature even in songs. When it comes to national exams like the SSLC, students are required by examinars to use words or lines from a verse of a song, to answer questions.
“But the problem is, many students get their answers wrong in the exams because they do not know the old songs, as the style of music has changed today. Thus, a decision was made that it will good to familiarise children with these songs,” said the Principal.
Leaders of the district, friends, and families, especially parents, as well as old pupils, came to support the initiative yesterday.
The price was set at $30 on the day it was launched, but it will be sold to the wider public next Wednesday. It has also been uploaded on YouTube.
Taefu told Samoa Newshub that the special choir from the district sang the songs, mainly students from year 12 and 13, while other children prepared performances.
Mr. Uili Lafaele (Pesega Records) organised the initiative, while Mr. Tulaele Matautia taught the songs.
The district has 800 students, and 43 teaching staff.
Sula Manaia, MP for the district of Vaimauga, stated that the district as a whole is honoured for the National recognition.
The earnings from the CD will help with the developmental needs of the educational sector for the entire Vaimauga district.
Tusiaina i le gagana Samoa
Amanaia e le Kolisi o Vaimauga galuega a tagata pepese uma o le itumalo
O se meaalofa lelei lava mo le toatele o tagata iloga o le musika mai i le itumalo o Vaimauga, le tu’ufa’atasia lea e le aufaipese a le kolisi o Vaimauga o pese uma fa’asamoa na tusia e tamali’i o le itumālo mai le fia tausaga ua mavae, i le CD pese a le laumua na tatala i le aso ananafi.
Na saunoa le susuga ile puleaoga ia Faumuinā Tovi’o Ta’efu, o le nei fa’amoemoe na tapena mai lava i le tausaga ua mavae, ma o se talosaga a le komiti olo’o iai Fa’auluuluga uma o afioaga o le itumālo.
O lea fuafuaga na afua ina ua fa’afofoga le itumālo i le leo mālie o siufofoga o fānau aoga a le kolisi, i tausaga ta’itasi pe a faia a latou laugatogi.
E ui i le faigata o le tapenaga, na taumafai lava le aiga faiaoga ma fānau a’oga ina ia fa’ataunu’u lea moemitiga.
E 12 la pese Samoa olo’o i totonu o le CD, ma na oto mai i fatuga a le tele o aufaipese ma tagata pepese ta’ito’atasi, ua iloga i le musika, mai i le itumālo o Vaimauga.
E pei ona silafia, o le itumālo lenei e talenia tele i le musika. E to’atele nisi ua fai’ilagi le folauga ae olo’o fa’alogoina pea leo o a latou musika.
O le isi fa’amoemoe o le nei poloketi, ina ia fa’amausāli le silafia o fānau i pese fa’asamoa.
“O le matāupu o le Gagana Samoa, e fasaaoga ai tusitusiga fasasamoa e oso lava i pese. A oso la i le taimi o suega faitaulia a le Mālo e pei o le SSLC, e fa’aaoga e faisuega upu po’o laina mai se fuaiupu o le pese, tali agai iai fesili.
“Ae o le fa’alavelave, e to’atele fānau e le sa’o a latou tali i le na faitaugalaulu, ona e le malamalama i pese i aso anamua, talu ua ese sikaili o musika i aso nei. Lea la ua a’e ai se tofā, ua tatau ona fa’amasani fānau i nei vaega,” Puleaoga.
O ta’ita’i o le itumālo, o uo ma aiga aemaise o mātua, e le gata i lea o ali’i ma tama’ita’i tuai o le laumua na lolofi atu e fa’aali le lagolago i le fa’amoemoe i le aso ananafi.
E $30 tala le tau na fa’atauina ai i le aso lava na tatalaina ai, ae o le vaiaso fou i le Aso Lulu, o le a fa’atauina atu ai loa i le lautele o le atunu’u. O lea foi ua maea tu’uina i luga o le YouTube fa’afiafiaga.
Na fa’ailoa e Taefu i le Samoa Newshub, na’o le aufaipese fa’apitoa a le laumua na lagi’ina pese, o le to’atele e mai le tausaga 12 ma le tausaga 13, ae o isi fānau na tāpenaina fa’afiafiaga.
O le susuga ia Uili (Pesega Records) na tu’ufa’atasia le fa’amoemoe, ae o le susuga i le faiaoga ia Tulaele Matautia na a’oina pese.
E 800 le aofai o fānau a le laumua, ae 43 le aiga faiaoga.
Na saunoa Sula Manaia, o se tasi o Faipule mai le itumālo aoao o Vaimauga atoa, o se fa’amaite ua tumati’e ai le itumalo atoa i le vaaiga a le atunu’u.
O le seleni e maua i le CD o le a fa’amalieina ai manaoga tau atinaeina o le itu tau a’oa’oga a le Vaimauga atoa.