Today was the officially opening of Samoa’s Tag Rugby Tournament, for this year’s 2024 Teuila Festival. This is the 6th edition of the Tag Rugby Tournament in Samoa, with 40 men’s and women’s teams registered. Teams from Savai’i, Upolu, American Samoa, New Zealand, and Australia are participating, with 33% of the registered teams being women.
In his keynote speech, the Honorable Minister of the Ministry of Sports and Recreation, Laumatiamanu Ringo Mathew Purcell said,
“This tournament aligns well with the theme of this year’s Teuila Festival, which focuses on enriching our environment and strengthening our culture. These sports play a crucial role in enriching our lives and further solidifying our various traditions and customs.
“It brings villages and communities together, fosters unity, and drives us to perform at our best for the benefit of the people. This tournament is a great example, bringing us together to explore ways to develop this sport within Samoa.

“Congratulations to the government for consistently supporting sports initiatives, for the sake of the youth and future generations. The goal, as the Minister stated, is to further promote sports within the country and ensure that our athletes have access to the resources and opportunities they need to prepare for international competitions.”
He also expressed gratitude and congratulations to the Samoa Sports Association for not overlooking any aspect and for making this tournament possible, allowing our people from overseas to participate or attend.
“The vision is to further develop the sport and increase the number of teams that can travel to Samoa to play, thereby contributing to the nation’s development. This tournament is not just a competition but a commemoration for all male and female athletes to unite in the spirit of sportsmanship.”

The CEO of the Samoa Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee (S.A.S.N.O.C.) also expressed thanks to the government for its continued support of sports development, for the sake of Samoa’s youth and future.
“This is a very important tournament, not only to develop the sporting talents of Samoa’s children but also to bring in other teams from overseas to compete on Samoan soil.”
Tala i le gagana Samoa
Fa’agasolo le Ta’amilosaga #6 o le Lakapi Se’i mo le Teuila
Tusia: Taunuuga Toatasi
O le asō sa tatala aloā’ia ai le amatalia o le Ta’amilosaga o le Lakapi Se’i a Samoa (Tag Rugby), mo le fa’amanatuina o le Teuila o lenei tausaga 2024.
O le ta’amilosaga lona #6 lenei o le Lakapi Se’i i Samoa (Tag Rugby), ma e 40 le aofa’i o ‘au a ali’i ma tama’ita’i ua resitala mo lea ta’amilosaga.
O ‘au mai Savai’i, Upolu, Amerika Samoa, Niu Sila ma Ausetalia ma o le 33% o i latou na resitala o tama’ita’i.
I le saunoaga autū a le Afioga i le Minisitā o le Matāgaluega o Ta’aloga ma Alagāoa mo le Soifua Fiafia o Tagata iā Laumatiamanu Ringo Mathew Purcell, sa ia fa’atāuaina ai le sao o ta’aloga i le soifuaga o tagata Samoa.
“Ua talafeuga lenei ta’amilosaga ma le autū o le fa’amanatuina o le Teuila i lenei tausaga, i le fa’atamāo’āigaina lea o le tatou si’osi’omaga ma fa’amausalī le tatou aganu’u. O ta’aloga nei e i ai lona sao tāua i le fa’atamāo’āigaina o tatou olaga ma le fa’amausalīina atili o ā tatou tu ma aganu’u ‘ese’ese.

“E fusia ai nu’u ma alalafaga, e fa’aolaola ai le loto gatasitasi aemaise o le fa’atino lea o mea sili e manuia ai tagata. O lenei ta’amilosaga o se fa’ata’ita’iga lelei, tatou te omai fa’atasi ai e fa’amasani ma sa’ili fa’avae e mafai ai ona si’itia le atia’e o lenei ta’aloga i totonu o Samoa.
“E momoli le fa’amālō i le Mālō, ona o lona opogi pea o mea nei o ta’aloga, auā lava alo ma fanau o le atun’u.
O le naunauta’iga e pei ona saunoa le Minisitā, o le si’itia atili o itu tau i ta’aloga i totonu o le atunu’u, aemaise o le mautinoa e maua e o tatou tagata ta’a’alo le avanoa ma puna’oa latou te mana’omia, auā ta’aloga fa’avāomālō e tapena i ai.
Sa momoli fo’i le fa’afetai ma le fa’amālō i le Asosi o Ta’aloga a Samoa, ona ua lē manatu ane lava i nisi itu, ae ua fa’atino lenei ta’amilosaga, ina ia aumai ai o tatou tagata mai atunu’u i fafo e maimoa po’o le auai fo’i i totonu o ia ta’amilosaga.
“O le agaga ina ia si’itia atili le ta’aloga ma fa’atupula’ia le aofa’i o ‘au e mafai ona malaga mai i Samoa e ta’a’alo ai ma atina’e ai le atunu’u. O le ta’aloga lenei e i ai le talitonuga ua le’o se ta’amilosaga, ae o se fa’amanatu mo tama ma teine ta’a’alo uma ina ia maua le loto gatasi ma le agaga ta’alo o ali’i ma tama’aita’i ta’a’alo.”
Na saunoa le Ofisa Sili o Pulega o le Fa’alapotopotoga o Ta’aloga a Samoa (S.A.S.N.O.C.) ma fa’afetaia le Mālō, ona o le fesoasoani pea i ta’aloga, ina ia atia’e ma lelei, auā fanau a Samoa mo le lumana’i.
“O se ta’amilosaga tāua tele, e le gata e atia’e ai taleni ta’alo a alo ma fanau a Samoa, ae fa’apea fo’i ona aumai ai isi au ta’a’alo mai isi atunu’u e ta’a’alo i totonu o laufanua o Samoa.”